ANKARA - Turkey's National Security Council last week endorsed a new national security document, or white paper, removing Russia and all other neighboring nations from a list of potential threats to the country's national security, one security official said Nov. 2.
The council, whose members include the president, prime minister, other top ministers and top military officials, sent the paper to the government for ratification.
The new white paper removes Russia, Greece, Iran, Syria and Iraq from an earlier list of potential threats, the official said. The paper has not been made public, but parts of it have been leaked to the media.
This is the first time since Turkey joined NATO in the early 1950s that Russia is not classified as a potential enemy. During the Cold War, Turkey defended NATO's southeastern flank against the former Soviet Union.
Former Aegean Sea rival Greece and Iran and Syria, with which Turkey has bolstered ties in recent years, also have been removed from the threat list.
Some Israeli media organizations have claimed that the new document labels Israel as a threat, but Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Nov. 2 denied this claim as "baseless."
Turkey also for the first time recognized potential cyber attacks as a threat to its national security.
This change will probably give state-owned electronics company Havelsan a financial boost, defense analysts said. Havelsan has long been tasked with fighting cyber attacks.
The separatist Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, remains on the new document's list as a domestic threat.
The new white paper, after being endorsed by the government, will formally replace the last one, approved in 2005.
نفت نركيا على لسان وزير الخارجيه داود أوغلو ان تكون ضمت إسرائيل إلى قائمة التهديدات المحتمله
بل على العكس فأن تركيا أزالت جميع جيرانها من القائمه
وهم إيران وسوريا وعدوتها اللدوده اليونان وازالت روسيا من القائمه لأول مره منذ إدراجها عام 1950
أما التهديدات التى تواجه الدوله التركيه فهى
القرصنه والهجوم الألكترونى
لذلك تسعى تركيا إلى تطوير شركات إلكترونيات متطوره مملوكه للدوله
والتهديد الخطير
هو حزب العمال الكردستانى
وهذه القائمه ستحل محل قائمه أخرى كانت أقرتها الحكومه فى عام 2005