CATIC Hands over Eight K8P Trainers to
Zambia Air Force
On 21st March 2012, CATIC officially hands over eight K8P trainers to Zambia Air Force at Mumbwa air base in Zambia. The Zambian Air Force now operates 15 K-8 trainers.
The K-8 (Karakorum 8) can perform various daily and aerobatic fighter training as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground armament training. It is equipped with state-of-the-art engine, avionics, escape system and etc.
The K-8 is of excellent performance and high reliability in a relatively low operational cost. Besides, to fulfill the wide range of requirements, K-8 serial aircrafts have been developed into a bigger family with various avionic systems and cockpits
الصين تسلم زامبيا 8 طائرات k8 الخاصه بالتدريب يصبح العدد لدى زامبيا حاليآ 15 طائره
Boeing has received a $55.3 million production contract from the U.S. Air Force to upgrade the B-1 Lancer navigation system.
The upgrade will replace the original navigation hardware with a new ring laser gyro system.
"We are no longer using a spinning mass gyro," said Rick Greenwell, B-1 program director for Boeing.
بوينج تحدث أنظمة الملاحه للقاذفه b1
After remaining grounded for more than a month, the Mirage 2000 aircraft fleet of the Indian Air Force (IAF) is expected to resume flying operations by the end of this month, Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne said here on Tuesday.
The fleet of frontline Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft has been on the ground for more than 35 days since March 5 after investigations were launched into two air crashes that occurred within a gap of 11 days.
"Checks are being carried out and after that the fleet is expected to start flying again by the end of this month," Browne said
إسطول الميراج الهنديه سيعاود الإقلاع نهاية شهر إبريل الحالى بعد ان تم وقف طلاعاته منذ يوم 5 مارس لتعدد الحوادث

American scientists are working on new-generation nuclear-powered unmanned aircraft capable of staying in the air for up to several months. While being able to tackle a wider range of more complicated tasks compared to their existing analogues, the new drones will not require a costly air base network for refueling and technical maintenance.
البنتاجون يعمل على مشروع طائرات بدون طيار تعمل بالطاقه النوويه
هذا المشروع يعمل به العلماء الأمريكيين حاليآ
حيث إن هذه الطائرات ستسطيع العمل لعدة أشهر بدون الحاجه للتزود بالوقود أو الصيانه
مما يجعلها تقوم بمهمات اكثر لا تقوم بها نظيرتها حاليآ
Boeing delivered the final two F-15K Slam Eagles to the Republic of Korea Air Force
(ROKAF) on April 2 at Daegu Air Base. All ROKAF F-15Ks were delivered on cost and on schedule.
"Boeing is proud to have worked with the ROKAF to ensure that their F-15Ks included all the capability and power necessary to defend their homeland through 2040 and beyond," said Roger Besancenez, F-15 Program vice president for Boeing.
Boeing will continue to support the ROKAF fleet through the long-term, affordable Performance Based Logistics (PBL) sustainment contract the company received from the Republic of Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration in February.
بوينج تسلم أخر مقاتلتين من صفقة f15k إلى كوريا الجنوبيه
بذلك تمتلك كوريا الجنوبيه 60 مقاتله من هذا الطراز
Thales delivers first production RBE2 AESA radar to Dassault Aviation
30 March 2012
Neuilly-sur-Seine – In February, Thales delivered the first series-produced RBE2 radar with active electronically scanned array (AESA) to the Dassault Aviation facility in Mérignac, France. The radar will now be installed on Rafale C137, the first Rafale with this new capability, which is scheduled for delivery to the French defence procurement agency (DGA) this summer. A comprehensive three-month flight test programme conducted with the first production RBE2 AESA radar at the Istres air base demonstrated the qualities of the radar and confirmed the expected levels of performance prior to delivery to Dassault Aviation.
The RBE2 AESA radar was delivered in line with the contract schedule, demonstrating the new radar’s technological maturity and further consolidating Thales’s European leadership in radars for combat aircraft.
The RBE2 AESA will give the Rafale a number of key advantages:
- Extended range for full compatibility with the latest-generation long-range missiles, such as the Meteor, combined with the ability to detect low-observable targets
- Higher reliability for reduced cost of ownership (no major maintenance is required on the active array for 10 years)
- Waveform agility for high-resolution synthetic aperture (SAR) imagery and increased resistance to jamming
The Rafale will be the only European combat aircraft under full-scale production with an active-array radar. The operational superiority of this omnirole combat aircraft, which was demonstrated most recently during Operation Harmattan in Libya, is now further assured for the full spectrum of French Air Force and Navy missions relying on the new technology.

شركة طاليس تسلم اول رادار RBE2 AESA radar لشركة داسو ومن المنتظرتركيبه على الرافال هذا الصيف وستكون الرافال بذلك أول مقاتله أوروبيه تستخدم هذا النوع الحديث من الرادارت مما سيزيد من قدرات المقاتله ويمكنها حمل صواريخ حديثه كالميتيور
raq seeks killer missiles, but U.S. wary
March 31, 2012
Iraq is acquiring an array of missiles and other sophisticated systems for the 36 Lockheed Martin F-16s it's buying to build an air force but Washington is reluctant to provide Baghdad with the most advanced U.S. weapons.
U.S. officials say they are worried that a strong Iraqi air force with offensive weapons systems would alarm Iraq's neighbors. Saddam Hussein invaded Iran in 1980 and Kuwait a decade later.
Even nine years after Saddam was toppled in the 2003 U.S. invasion, Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Muslim allies in the Persian Gulf remain deeply suspicious of Shiite-majority Iraq and its Shiite leader, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
العراق يطلب صواريخ حديثه للأف16 وأمريكا ترفض
الصواريخ المطلوب
والنسخه الحديثه من السايدويندر
The Israeli defense industries are becoming optimistic. An updated assessment says that it is likely that India will purchase Israeli systems for its newly procured fighter aircraft – the French Rafale.
A senior source close to the issue said that while the first eighteen aircrafts will be equipped with French systems, it is possible that the other aircraft will be equipped with Israeli-produced systems.
The new assessment is based on the ongoing discussions between defense industry representatives and senior officials in India. “India recognizes the operational superiority of several Israeli systems, and it seems that they will ask for them,” said the source. He added that it’s possible India will insist that the systems be locally produced by companies that have cooperated with Israeli defense industries in the past.
India has already expressed its desire to equip its new fighter aircraft with Israeli-produced systems, though it is doubtful that the French government will approve the move. At this time, India is most interested in Rafael’s Litening pod, which is used for navigation and for locating ground targets الهند تفضل تزويد مقاتلات الرافال التى ستقوم بتجميعها بأنظمه إسرائيليه
لكن من المتوقع أن تقوم فرنسا بالرفض
Embraer Defense and Security disclosed today that it has signed contracts with three African nations for the acquisition of the A-29 Super Tucano light attack and advanced training turboprop.
The Burkina Faso Air Force, the first operator of this model in Africa, has already received three aircraft that are used on border patrol missions.
The Angola Air Force recently acquired six of this aircraft for the same mission, and the first three will be delivered in 2012.
إمبراير البرازيليه تبيع طائرات سوبر توكانو لدول أفريقيه فى صفقه تقدر ب180 مليون دولار