Turkey Asks U.S. to Base Predators There: Report
WASHINGTON - The United States is considering are request from Turkey to base Predator drones there to operate against Kurdish separatists based in northern Iraq, The Washington Post reported Sept. 10.

Citing unnamed senior U.S. military officials, the newspaper said a decision to deploy the drones could strengthen the U.S.-Turkish diplomatic alliance but draw the United States deeper into the conflict.
But the counterterrorism partnership could end by Dec. 31, when all U.S. forces are scheduled to withdraw from Iraq. According to The Post, U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has not yet made a decision on the Turkish request.
Last month, the United States offered Turkey its continued support in the fight against PKK rebels, after they claimed responsibility for the deaths of eight Turkish soldiers in an ambush.
The attack took place in the Cukurca region of Hakkari province, close to the border with Iraq. Eleven others were injured.
Previously undisclosed diplomatic cables show Turkey has become highly dependent on the Predators, U-2 spy aircraft and other U.S. intelligence sources in its military campaign against the PKK, The Post said.

طلبت تركيا من الولايات المتحده الإستعانه بطائرات بدون طيار
من خلال تواجد هذه الطائرات فى قاعده تركيه
على أن تقوم تركيا بإستقبال البيانات من هذه الطائرات
للقيام بعمليات ضد الأكراد فى جنوب البلاد وشمال العراق
ومن المعروف أن هناك تعاون إستخبارتى بين تركيا
وإيران والولايات المتحده ضد الأكراد
من ناحيه أخرى أتى الرد على الطلب التركى من الصحافه الإسرائيليه
No US drones for Turkey until armed threat on Israel lifted
administration has turned down a Turkish request for drones or for the deployment of US Predators at Turkish bases until Ankara stops threatening Israel with armed attack, debkafile's military and Washington sources report. Turkey has no functioning unmanned aerial vehicles at present. The "technical problems" grounding the Herons Israel sold Ankara have crippled the Turkish army's campaign against the Kurdish PKK rebels – both in northern Iraq and in southeast Turkey.
In recent days, therefore, the rebels have stepped up their raids on Turkish territory, killing nine people including army and police personnel.
Israeli officialdom and military chiefs are doing their utmost to keep the lid on the spiraling Turkish-Israel confrontation, claiming that a military clash is not imminent because the US, NATO and Europe won't let it happen. Turkey is after all a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, debkafile's military sources report, the confrontation has already broken surface. Despite Western efforts to contain the rising tension, the armed conflict has quietly begun.
Our sources confirm that the Ankara press report of three Turkish frigates bound for the eastern Mediteranean to challenge and disarm Israel warships outside its 12-mile territorial waters was deliberately leaked by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's office to coincide with his trip to Cairo.
Israeli officials are making every effort to conceal the arrival of the frigates opposite Israeli waters, while Washington, the NATO command in Brussels try to dissuade Turkey from carrying out its threat to disable the weapons of Israel naval vessels.
They fear that a firefight would drive the Israel-Turkish crisis into uncharted waters.
Since Saturday, Sept. 10, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has been in direct touch with Erdogan and warned him that a military clash by a NATO member with the Israeli Navy would have grave consequences for Turkey's future military ties with the US and the alliance.
Our sources explain that the denial of advanced US intelligence technology on the heels of its cutoff from Israel would present the Turkish army with serious operational, intelligence and high-tech difficulties.
These difficulties are already hobbling Ankara's counterinsurgency campaign against the PKK at a critical juncture.
Since Aug. 17, a full-blown war has been underway against PKK strongholds in northern Iraq – generally unnoticed in the West and in Israel. The US, Turkey, Iran and the Kurdish Regional Government of northern Iraqi have formed an improbable coalition to cooperate in extinguishing the Kurdish rebellions staged by the PKK against Turkey and the PJAK against Iran.
The US has confined its role to relaying intelligence collected by its drones to the Turkish military and from its observation posts on the northern Iraqi-Iranian border to Iranian Revolutionary Guards units.
The data is processed through the KRG government in Irbil. The KRG has made its army's military and intelligence commands available for coordinating the allies's operations through its territory.
Turkish special operations units are backed by Turkish air strikes and coordinate their operations with the Americans and the Iranians.
The main battlefields are the Qandil Mountains region, Sinath-Haftanin, Hakurk and Gara.
The Turkish effort is impeded by three problems:
1. They are short of the knowhow for operating the intelligence and technical systems of the 10 Heron drones purchased from Israel since they expelled the Israeli technicians operating and keeping them in order last year.
Ankara says two of the drones are "non-operational" and three others suffer from intractable engine problems.
Five more were shipped back to Israel because of a Turkish complaint that they never reached the altitudes guaranteed by Israel's aerospace industries. debkafile's sources report that test flights carried out in Israel showed nothing wrong with the drones' altitude capability.
2. The home-made Turkish drones (ANKA) brought into service were unable to climb high enough to perform over the rebel hideouts perched in the lofty Qandil mountain peaks. They also lacked the electronics for relaying surveillance data to their command center.
3. Both Tehran and Ankara have no doubt that the intelligence data released to them by the US military in the course of the counterinsurgency campaign is partial and limited. The complete picture remains exclusively in American hands. , Turkey sought the deployment of US Predators on its soil to fill the gap. That request was spurned until Prime Minister Erdogan backs away from his aggressive stance against Israel.
For those reasons, Turkish Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin announced Tuesday that his country would launch a cross-border ground offensive against the PKK in northern Iraq at any time.
Our military sources report that Ankara is pondering the same sort of campaign as Israel launched in Gaza against Hamas terrorism in Dec. 2008. It aims to demonstrate Turkey's ability to defeat the Kurdish rebels without US or Israeli drones.
Israel was wrongly accused of threatening to play the Kurdish card against the Erdogan government in reprisal for those threats. The fact is that Turkey is playing the Kurdish card against itself.
وطبعآ الرد كان الرفض
وتهديد تركيا بالمزيد من الإجراءت فى حالة توتر علاقتها مع إسرائيل
ومنع التكنولوجيا عنها
وقام سكرتير حلف الناتو راسموسن بالإتصال بأردوغان
وقام بتحذيرها إن اى إشتباك مع السفن الإسرائيليه فى البحر
أو محاولة تعطيل أجهزتها من خلال البحريه التركيه
والتى أرسلت 3فرقطات إلى شرق المتوسط وتركيا دوله فى حلف الناتو
سيعد هذا التصرف مرفوض وسيؤثر على العلاقات بين تركيا وحاف الناتو والولايات المتحده
من ناحيه أخرى ذكرت الصحافه الإسرائيليه
إن جميه الطائرات العشره من طراز هيرون التى إشترتهم تركيا من إسرائيل
متوقفه عن العمل
فهناك خمسة طائرات فى إسرائيل لإجراء أعمال صيانه
والخمسه الاخرين فى تركيا متوقفين عن العمل لأسباب فنيه
منها طرد الفنيين الإسرائيليين وأن هناك ثلاثة طائرات بهم مشاكل فى المحرك
ولا تستطيع الطيران إطلاقآ
ومن ناحيه أخرى قالت الصحف أن الطائره التركيه أنكا غير جاهزه للإستخدام العملياتى
حاليآ لأنها لا تستطيع الوصول إلى إرتفاعات عاليه ولا يوجد بها
أجهزه وتكنولوجيا متطوره

Star also suggested that the new IFF system could be linked to a series of suspicious suicides in ASELSAN. Three ASELSAN engineers committed suicide in 2006 and 2007, but the media speculated that the engineers might have been murdered given the families' testimonies that the suicides seem to come out of the blue with no warning signs. The report added that all three engineers had worked on the new IFF system to be used for F-16 fighters
وهذا الخبر يتحدث عن تغير أنظمة
IFF لمقاتلات الأف16 التركيه لأن القديمه كانت تتعرف على المقاتلات
الإسرائيليه إنها صديق
DSEi: Turkish cruise missile design breaks cover
Turkey has performed a successful first flight test with an indigenously-developed cruise missile design, which the nation hopes could eventually be integrated with its future fleet of Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.
Developed by the Defence Industries Research and Development Institute, or Tubitak Sage, the modular stand-off missile (SOM) design was released by a McDonnell Douglas F-4E 2020 strike aircraft on 9 August.
"The missile hit its target with a high accuracy by covering a distance of over 100nm [185km]," Tubitak Sage said.
The institute is displaying a full-scale model of the weapon at the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) exhibition in London, UK.
In addition to the recent test involving the F-4E Phantom, Tubitak Sage is also currently working on the integration of the SOM design with the Lockheed F-16 Block 40 fighter for the Turkish air force.
Installation trials have already been performed (below), with the remaining work expected to conclude later this year. A production order is anticipated later, with this to potentially prompt interest from export customers, the institute said.
Material released by Tubitak Sage describes the SOM as having a release weight of 600kg (1,300lb), including a high-explosive warhead weighing 230kg.
Intended targets for the turbojet-powered design are cited as including command and control facilities, surface-to-air missile sites, parked aircraft and surface ships.
Guidance is provided by using inertial navigation system/global positioning satellite equipment and a terrain-referenced navigation system, with the use of pre-programmed waypoints to avoid air defence assets.
During its terminal attack phase, the weapon's intended target is verified by using an imaging infrared seeker. Its accuracy is described as being "within a few metres".
"SOM is currently being developed as three variants, in accordance with the requirements of the Turkish air force," said Tubitak Sage. These include the provision of different warhead options
صاروخ كروز تركى جديد قامت تركيا بتصميمه
جرى إختبارها وقامت بإطلاقها طائره فانتوم تركيه
تركيا تجهز هذا الصاروخ لكى تحمله مقاتلات الأف35 المتعاقد عليها
وسيتم تحمليها على الأف16 بلوك40 التركيه من خلال التعاون مع شركة
لوكهيد مارتن الأمريكيه
وخلال التجربه أصاب الصاروخ هدفه بدقه عاليه
ويتم توجيه بالأقمار الصناعيه والقصور الذاتى
الصاروخ وزنه 600كجم
ويحمل شحنه شديدة الإنفجار بوزن 230كجم
ويستطيع الوصول إلى مسافه أكثر من 185كم

Turkey has requested that the U.S. base Predator drones there to operate against Kurdish separatists based in northern Iraq, the Washington Post reported. (Air Force)
But the counterterrorism partnership could end by Dec. 31, when all U.S. forces are scheduled to withdraw from Iraq. According to The Post, U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has not yet made a decision on the Turkish request.
Last month, the United States offered Turkey its continued support in the fight against PKK rebels, after they claimed responsibility for the deaths of eight Turkish soldiers in an ambush.
The attack took place in the Cukurca region of Hakkari province, close to the border with Iraq. Eleven others were injured.
Previously undisclosed diplomatic cables show Turkey has become highly dependent on the Predators, U-2 spy aircraft and other U.S. intelligence sources in its military campaign against the PKK, The Post said.

طلبت تركيا من الولايات المتحده الإستعانه بطائرات بدون طيار
من خلال تواجد هذه الطائرات فى قاعده تركيه
على أن تقوم تركيا بإستقبال البيانات من هذه الطائرات
للقيام بعمليات ضد الأكراد فى جنوب البلاد وشمال العراق
ومن المعروف أن هناك تعاون إستخبارتى بين تركيا
وإيران والولايات المتحده ضد الأكراد
من ناحيه أخرى أتى الرد على الطلب التركى من الصحافه الإسرائيليه
No US drones for Turkey until armed threat on Israel lifted
administration has turned down a Turkish request for drones or for the deployment of US Predators at Turkish bases until Ankara stops threatening Israel with armed attack, debkafile's military and Washington sources report. Turkey has no functioning unmanned aerial vehicles at present. The "technical problems" grounding the Herons Israel sold Ankara have crippled the Turkish army's campaign against the Kurdish PKK rebels – both in northern Iraq and in southeast Turkey.
In recent days, therefore, the rebels have stepped up their raids on Turkish territory, killing nine people including army and police personnel.
Israeli officialdom and military chiefs are doing their utmost to keep the lid on the spiraling Turkish-Israel confrontation, claiming that a military clash is not imminent because the US, NATO and Europe won't let it happen. Turkey is after all a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, debkafile's military sources report, the confrontation has already broken surface. Despite Western efforts to contain the rising tension, the armed conflict has quietly begun.
Our sources confirm that the Ankara press report of three Turkish frigates bound for the eastern Mediteranean to challenge and disarm Israel warships outside its 12-mile territorial waters was deliberately leaked by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's office to coincide with his trip to Cairo.
Israeli officials are making every effort to conceal the arrival of the frigates opposite Israeli waters, while Washington, the NATO command in Brussels try to dissuade Turkey from carrying out its threat to disable the weapons of Israel naval vessels.
They fear that a firefight would drive the Israel-Turkish crisis into uncharted waters.
Since Saturday, Sept. 10, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has been in direct touch with Erdogan and warned him that a military clash by a NATO member with the Israeli Navy would have grave consequences for Turkey's future military ties with the US and the alliance.
Our sources explain that the denial of advanced US intelligence technology on the heels of its cutoff from Israel would present the Turkish army with serious operational, intelligence and high-tech difficulties.
These difficulties are already hobbling Ankara's counterinsurgency campaign against the PKK at a critical juncture.
Since Aug. 17, a full-blown war has been underway against PKK strongholds in northern Iraq – generally unnoticed in the West and in Israel. The US, Turkey, Iran and the Kurdish Regional Government of northern Iraqi have formed an improbable coalition to cooperate in extinguishing the Kurdish rebellions staged by the PKK against Turkey and the PJAK against Iran.
The US has confined its role to relaying intelligence collected by its drones to the Turkish military and from its observation posts on the northern Iraqi-Iranian border to Iranian Revolutionary Guards units.
The data is processed through the KRG government in Irbil. The KRG has made its army's military and intelligence commands available for coordinating the allies's operations through its territory.
Turkish special operations units are backed by Turkish air strikes and coordinate their operations with the Americans and the Iranians.
The main battlefields are the Qandil Mountains region, Sinath-Haftanin, Hakurk and Gara.
The Turkish effort is impeded by three problems:
1. They are short of the knowhow for operating the intelligence and technical systems of the 10 Heron drones purchased from Israel since they expelled the Israeli technicians operating and keeping them in order last year.
Ankara says two of the drones are "non-operational" and three others suffer from intractable engine problems.
Five more were shipped back to Israel because of a Turkish complaint that they never reached the altitudes guaranteed by Israel's aerospace industries. debkafile's sources report that test flights carried out in Israel showed nothing wrong with the drones' altitude capability.
2. The home-made Turkish drones (ANKA) brought into service were unable to climb high enough to perform over the rebel hideouts perched in the lofty Qandil mountain peaks. They also lacked the electronics for relaying surveillance data to their command center.
3. Both Tehran and Ankara have no doubt that the intelligence data released to them by the US military in the course of the counterinsurgency campaign is partial and limited. The complete picture remains exclusively in American hands. , Turkey sought the deployment of US Predators on its soil to fill the gap. That request was spurned until Prime Minister Erdogan backs away from his aggressive stance against Israel.
For those reasons, Turkish Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin announced Tuesday that his country would launch a cross-border ground offensive against the PKK in northern Iraq at any time.
Our military sources report that Ankara is pondering the same sort of campaign as Israel launched in Gaza against Hamas terrorism in Dec. 2008. It aims to demonstrate Turkey's ability to defeat the Kurdish rebels without US or Israeli drones.
Israel was wrongly accused of threatening to play the Kurdish card against the Erdogan government in reprisal for those threats. The fact is that Turkey is playing the Kurdish card against itself.
وطبعآ الرد كان الرفض
وتهديد تركيا بالمزيد من الإجراءت فى حالة توتر علاقتها مع إسرائيل
ومنع التكنولوجيا عنها
وقام سكرتير حلف الناتو راسموسن بالإتصال بأردوغان
وقام بتحذيرها إن اى إشتباك مع السفن الإسرائيليه فى البحر
أو محاولة تعطيل أجهزتها من خلال البحريه التركيه
والتى أرسلت 3فرقطات إلى شرق المتوسط وتركيا دوله فى حلف الناتو
سيعد هذا التصرف مرفوض وسيؤثر على العلاقات بين تركيا وحاف الناتو والولايات المتحده
من ناحيه أخرى ذكرت الصحافه الإسرائيليه
إن جميه الطائرات العشره من طراز هيرون التى إشترتهم تركيا من إسرائيل
متوقفه عن العمل
فهناك خمسة طائرات فى إسرائيل لإجراء أعمال صيانه
والخمسه الاخرين فى تركيا متوقفين عن العمل لأسباب فنيه
منها طرد الفنيين الإسرائيليين وأن هناك ثلاثة طائرات بهم مشاكل فى المحرك
ولا تستطيع الطيران إطلاقآ
ومن ناحيه أخرى قالت الصحف أن الطائره التركيه أنكا غير جاهزه للإستخدام العملياتى
حاليآ لأنها لا تستطيع الوصول إلى إرتفاعات عاليه ولا يوجد بها
أجهزه وتكنولوجيا متطوره

Turkey's Military Electronics Industry (ASELSAN) has produced a new identification friend or foe (IFF) system for Turkish jet fighters, warships and submarines and the new software, contrary to the older, US-made version, does not automatically identify Israeli planes and ships as friends, a news report said on Tuesday.
The new IFF has already been installed in Turkish F-16s and is expected to be installed in all Navy ships and submarines, the report, published in Turkish daily Star, said. It will be fully operational when it is installed in all military planes, warships and submarines.
The F-16 jet fighters, purchased from the US, came with pre-installed IFF software that automatically identifies Israeli fighters and warships as friends, disabling Turkish F-16s from targeting Israeli planes or ships. ASELSAN-made IFF will allow Turkish military commanders to identify friends and foes on the basis of national considerations.
Turkey was unable to make modifications to the friend or foe identification codes in US-made F-16s, while Israel was given a different version of the software allowing Israeli authorities to make modifications. Israel was also authorized to view the version given to Turkey, according to Star.
The report comes amid a severe crisis in ties with former ally Israel. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan set the stage for a possible naval confrontation with Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean, saying last week that Turkish military ships will escort civilian ships carrying aid to Gaza, under an Israeli blockade since 2007.
A news report on Monday said three frigates were to be sent to the Eastern Mediterranean to protect aid ships from a possible interception by Israeli warships. The frigates, according to the report, will get as close as 100 meter to any Israeli military ship if those ships are outside of Israeli territorial waters.
وهذا الخبر يتحدث عن تغير أنظمة
IFF لمقاتلات الأف16 التركيه لأن القديمه كانت تتعرف على المقاتلات
الإسرائيليه إنها صديق
DSEi: Turkish cruise missile design breaks cover
Turkey has performed a successful first flight test with an indigenously-developed cruise missile design, which the nation hopes could eventually be integrated with its future fleet of Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.
Developed by the Defence Industries Research and Development Institute, or Tubitak Sage, the modular stand-off missile (SOM) design was released by a McDonnell Douglas F-4E 2020 strike aircraft on 9 August.
"The missile hit its target with a high accuracy by covering a distance of over 100nm [185km]," Tubitak Sage said.
All images © Tubitak Sage |
The institute is displaying a full-scale model of the weapon at the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) exhibition in London, UK.
In addition to the recent test involving the F-4E Phantom, Tubitak Sage is also currently working on the integration of the SOM design with the Lockheed F-16 Block 40 fighter for the Turkish air force.
Installation trials have already been performed (below), with the remaining work expected to conclude later this year. A production order is anticipated later, with this to potentially prompt interest from export customers, the institute said.
Material released by Tubitak Sage describes the SOM as having a release weight of 600kg (1,300lb), including a high-explosive warhead weighing 230kg.
Intended targets for the turbojet-powered design are cited as including command and control facilities, surface-to-air missile sites, parked aircraft and surface ships.
Guidance is provided by using inertial navigation system/global positioning satellite equipment and a terrain-referenced navigation system, with the use of pre-programmed waypoints to avoid air defence assets.
During its terminal attack phase, the weapon's intended target is verified by using an imaging infrared seeker. Its accuracy is described as being "within a few metres".
The SOM cruise missile could eventually arm Turkey's F-35 Joint Strike Fighters |
"SOM is currently being developed as three variants, in accordance with the requirements of the Turkish air force," said Tubitak Sage. These include the provision of different warhead options
صاروخ كروز تركى جديد قامت تركيا بتصميمه
جرى إختبارها وقامت بإطلاقها طائره فانتوم تركيه
تركيا تجهز هذا الصاروخ لكى تحمله مقاتلات الأف35 المتعاقد عليها
وسيتم تحمليها على الأف16 بلوك40 التركيه من خلال التعاون مع شركة
لوكهيد مارتن الأمريكيه
وخلال التجربه أصاب الصاروخ هدفه بدقه عاليه
ويتم توجيه بالأقمار الصناعيه والقصور الذاتى
الصاروخ وزنه 600كجم
ويحمل شحنه شديدة الإنفجار بوزن 230كجم
ويستطيع الوصول إلى مسافه أكثر من 185كم