أولآ كان إهتمامى بهذا الموضوع هو لمعرفة التحديثات التى تجرى على
المقاتله الأف16 القديمه
والتى تمتلك مصر عدد كبير منها
ولنعرف ما هى التطويرات التى ممكن أن تدخل على هذه المقاتله
الخبر من رويترز
المقاتله الأف16 القديمه
والتى تمتلك مصر عدد كبير منها
ولنعرف ما هى التطويرات التى ممكن أن تدخل على هذه المقاتله
الخبر من رويترز
صفقة أسلحة أمريكية لتايوان تقدر بنحو ستة مليارات دولار
ريتشموند (فرجينيا) (رويترز) - قال مسؤول أمريكي رفيع ان ادارة الرئيس الامريكي باراك أوباما تعتزم مد تايوان بأسلحة جديدة وانظمة رادار متطورة لاسطولها من الطائرات المقاتلة اف 16 في اطار صفقة قيمتها 5.85 مليار دولار.
وطائرات اف 16 هي من انتاج شركة لوكهيد مارتن.
وطلبت تايوان تحديث نحو 145 طائرة اف 16 ايه/بي اشترتها تايبه من الولايات المتحدة عام 1992 .
ومن المتوقع ان تخطر الادارة الامريكية الكونجرس يوم الاربعاء بالصفقة المقترحة لتحديث الطائرات. وترجيء الادارة منذ فترة طويلة طلب تايوان الحصول على 66 طائرة من الطراز الحديث اف 16 سي/دي لتحل محل اسطول تايوان القديم من طائرات اف 5 وعمرها يزيد على 30 عاما.
وتحدث المسؤول يوم الثلاثاء مع رويترز خارج مؤتمر لصناعات الدفاع في ولاية فرجينيا يركز على احتياجات تايوان الدفاعية وتنامي القوة العسكرية للصين.
وصرح المسؤول بان طراز ايه/بي المحدث سيكون له نفس قدرات طراز سي/دي الذي طلبته تايوان لكن بسعر أقل.
تفاصيل التطويرات نجدها فى تقرير لموقع
WASHINGTON and TAIPEI - The U.S. has released a $5.8 billion arms package to Taiwan that includes a retrofit for F-16A/B fighter aircraft, the continuation of an F-16 fighter training program, and a blanket order for spare parts for the C-130 cargo aircraft, F-5 fighter and Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF).
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) released three Congressional notifications on Sept. 21 covering the deal under the Foreign Military Sales program. Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) also confirmed the release during a late night press conference.
On a call with reporters, the U.S. official said the upgrade package was a necessary step no matter what, characterizing the deal as an "immediate and significant contribution to Taiwan's air defense."
The official said that, with this sale, the Obama Administration has in less than two years released arms worth more than $12 billion to Taiwan.
MND officials will continue to press the U.S. to approve the export of the F-16 C/D fighters, but they expressed gratitude for latest release; one official called it an early Christmas gift.
The F-16A/B retrofit "manifests U.S. commitments to abide by the Taiwan Relations Act," said an MND press release. The MND also said that "when the retrofit is completed, our F-16A/B capability would be equal to 80% of those of the F-16C/Ds" and that "some items selected in the retrofit program have better performance than those of current U.S. Air Force F-16C/Ds."
The Obama Administration informed Zhang Yesui, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, of the sale the morning of Sept. 21. He registered his government's "very firm opposition" and said there would be consequences to the sale, but did not specify what those would be, the U.S. official said.
In January 2010, the Chinese government suspended military-to-military relations with the United States, following U.S. approval of a separate arms sale to Taiwan. Relations resumed during the final quarter of 2010.
Managing disagreements is essential to the relationship between the United States and China, the U.S. official said.
The $5.3 billion retrofit program will upgrade 145 F-16A/B fighters procured during the early 1990s. Included in the package is the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation System and the Terma ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management System.
Northrop Grumman's Scalable Agile Beam Radar and the Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar will bid for the AESA competition to replace the A/Bs current APG-66(V)3 mechanical radar.
DSCA also released for the first time the Boeing GBU-31 and GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). The U.S. denied past requests by Taiwan for JDAMs citing concerns the weapon could be used against mainland Chinese targets. Taiwan's air force will have a choice between the Lockheed AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting System and the Northrop AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting System.
Taiwan will also have a choice between the GBU-54 Laser-guided JDAM and the GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III. Along with PAVEWAY, the DSCA released CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons and the new Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile.
The F-16A/B package will include an engineering and design study on possibly replacing the existing F100-PW-220 engines with F100-PW-229 engines. Taiwan air force officials have long complained the 220 engines were underpowered.
The DSCA also released a $500 million F-16 training program at Luke Air Force Base, which is a continuation of a program begun during the 1990s for Taiwan's 21st Tactical Fighter Squadron based in Arizona. "The training provides a 'capstone' course that takes experienced pilots and significantly improves their tactical proficiency," said the DSCA press release. "Approximately 90 U.S. contractors will provide aircraft maintenance and logistics support for the F-16 aircraft at Luke…the prime contractor will be L-3 Communications."
MND officials said Taiwan's budget for the new deal with take 12 years to implement. Taiwan is struggling to pay for a 2008 and 2010 U.S. arms package worth over $13 billion. With the new F-16A/B retrofit, the bill comes to over $18 billion, said an MND official. The F-16A/B retrofit will be handled by the state-run Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, which built the IDF
تشمل حزمة التحديثات
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
رادار المسح الإلكترونى
وسيكون الرادار من شركة
Northrop Grumman's
The Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR)

وتقول الشركه إن هذا الرادار صنع خصيصآ لتركيبه على المقاتله
الأف16 فى مختلف دول العالم التى تستخدم هذه الطائره
أو سيكون رادار شركة رايثيون
Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar (RACR)

وسيحل أحد الرادارين مكان الرادار الميكانيكى القديم APG-66(V)3 mechanical radar
أيضآ ستشمل التحديثات
Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs)
وستكون من نوع GBU-31 and GBU-38

وستختار القوات الجويه التايوانيه بين البود
Lockheed AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting System

أو البود Northrop AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting System

تايوان ستختار أيضآ بين القنابل التاليه
GBU-54 Laser-guided JDAM and the

و GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II

أو GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III. Along with PAVEWAY

أيضآ تشمل التحديثات
CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons

والصاروخ جو جو
AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile.

وإحتمال تغيير المحرك القديم
F100-PW-220 engines

بمحرك أحدث من طراز
F100-PW-229 engines

هناك أيضآ برنامج لتدريب الطيارين التايوانين
تقدر تكلفته ب500 مليون دولار
ومن جانب اخر أخطرت إدارة أوباما السفير الصينى بواشنطن بهذه الصفقه
وقال السفير الصينى إن بلاده سترد على ذلك
ولكنه لم يوضح ماهية هذا الرد
ومن المعروف إن إدارة أوباما رفضت عدة صفقات لتايوان لعدم إثارة غضب الصين
وطائرات اف 16 هي من انتاج شركة لوكهيد مارتن.
وطلبت تايوان تحديث نحو 145 طائرة اف 16 ايه/بي اشترتها تايبه من الولايات المتحدة عام 1992 .
ومن المتوقع ان تخطر الادارة الامريكية الكونجرس يوم الاربعاء بالصفقة المقترحة لتحديث الطائرات. وترجيء الادارة منذ فترة طويلة طلب تايوان الحصول على 66 طائرة من الطراز الحديث اف 16 سي/دي لتحل محل اسطول تايوان القديم من طائرات اف 5 وعمرها يزيد على 30 عاما.
وتحدث المسؤول يوم الثلاثاء مع رويترز خارج مؤتمر لصناعات الدفاع في ولاية فرجينيا يركز على احتياجات تايوان الدفاعية وتنامي القوة العسكرية للصين.
وصرح المسؤول بان طراز ايه/بي المحدث سيكون له نفس قدرات طراز سي/دي الذي طلبته تايوان لكن بسعر أقل.
تفاصيل التطويرات نجدها فى تقرير لموقع
WASHINGTON and TAIPEI - The U.S. has released a $5.8 billion arms package to Taiwan that includes a retrofit for F-16A/B fighter aircraft, the continuation of an F-16 fighter training program, and a blanket order for spare parts for the C-130 cargo aircraft, F-5 fighter and Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF).
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) released three Congressional notifications on Sept. 21 covering the deal under the Foreign Military Sales program. Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) also confirmed the release during a late night press conference.
On a call with reporters, the U.S. official said the upgrade package was a necessary step no matter what, characterizing the deal as an "immediate and significant contribution to Taiwan's air defense."
The official said that, with this sale, the Obama Administration has in less than two years released arms worth more than $12 billion to Taiwan.
MND officials will continue to press the U.S. to approve the export of the F-16 C/D fighters, but they expressed gratitude for latest release; one official called it an early Christmas gift.
The F-16A/B retrofit "manifests U.S. commitments to abide by the Taiwan Relations Act," said an MND press release. The MND also said that "when the retrofit is completed, our F-16A/B capability would be equal to 80% of those of the F-16C/Ds" and that "some items selected in the retrofit program have better performance than those of current U.S. Air Force F-16C/Ds."
The Obama Administration informed Zhang Yesui, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, of the sale the morning of Sept. 21. He registered his government's "very firm opposition" and said there would be consequences to the sale, but did not specify what those would be, the U.S. official said.
In January 2010, the Chinese government suspended military-to-military relations with the United States, following U.S. approval of a separate arms sale to Taiwan. Relations resumed during the final quarter of 2010.
Managing disagreements is essential to the relationship between the United States and China, the U.S. official said.
The $5.3 billion retrofit program will upgrade 145 F-16A/B fighters procured during the early 1990s. Included in the package is the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation System and the Terma ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management System.
Northrop Grumman's Scalable Agile Beam Radar and the Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar will bid for the AESA competition to replace the A/Bs current APG-66(V)3 mechanical radar.
DSCA also released for the first time the Boeing GBU-31 and GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). The U.S. denied past requests by Taiwan for JDAMs citing concerns the weapon could be used against mainland Chinese targets. Taiwan's air force will have a choice between the Lockheed AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting System and the Northrop AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting System.
Taiwan will also have a choice between the GBU-54 Laser-guided JDAM and the GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III. Along with PAVEWAY, the DSCA released CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons and the new Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile.
The F-16A/B package will include an engineering and design study on possibly replacing the existing F100-PW-220 engines with F100-PW-229 engines. Taiwan air force officials have long complained the 220 engines were underpowered.
The DSCA also released a $500 million F-16 training program at Luke Air Force Base, which is a continuation of a program begun during the 1990s for Taiwan's 21st Tactical Fighter Squadron based in Arizona. "The training provides a 'capstone' course that takes experienced pilots and significantly improves their tactical proficiency," said the DSCA press release. "Approximately 90 U.S. contractors will provide aircraft maintenance and logistics support for the F-16 aircraft at Luke…the prime contractor will be L-3 Communications."
MND officials said Taiwan's budget for the new deal with take 12 years to implement. Taiwan is struggling to pay for a 2008 and 2010 U.S. arms package worth over $13 billion. With the new F-16A/B retrofit, the bill comes to over $18 billion, said an MND official. The F-16A/B retrofit will be handled by the state-run Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, which built the IDF
[COLOR=#fcfcfc]هذا الموضوع منقول من العضوه نيكول
تشمل حزمة التحديثات
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
رادار المسح الإلكترونى
وسيكون الرادار من شركة
Northrop Grumman's
The Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR)

وتقول الشركه إن هذا الرادار صنع خصيصآ لتركيبه على المقاتله
الأف16 فى مختلف دول العالم التى تستخدم هذه الطائره
أو سيكون رادار شركة رايثيون
Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar (RACR)

وسيحل أحد الرادارين مكان الرادار الميكانيكى القديم APG-66(V)3 mechanical radar
أيضآ ستشمل التحديثات
Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs)
وستكون من نوع GBU-31 and GBU-38

وستختار القوات الجويه التايوانيه بين البود
Lockheed AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting System

أو البود Northrop AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting System

تايوان ستختار أيضآ بين القنابل التاليه
GBU-54 Laser-guided JDAM and the

و GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II

أو GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III. Along with PAVEWAY

أيضآ تشمل التحديثات
CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons

والصاروخ جو جو
AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile.

وإحتمال تغيير المحرك القديم
F100-PW-220 engines

بمحرك أحدث من طراز
F100-PW-229 engines

هناك أيضآ برنامج لتدريب الطيارين التايوانين
تقدر تكلفته ب500 مليون دولار
ومن جانب اخر أخطرت إدارة أوباما السفير الصينى بواشنطن بهذه الصفقه
وقال السفير الصينى إن بلاده سترد على ذلك
ولكنه لم يوضح ماهية هذا الرد
ومن المعروف إن إدارة أوباما رفضت عدة صفقات لتايوان لعدم إثارة غضب الصين