Successful Gripen Test Flights in Sweden
From 10 to 13 December 2012, a team of ministry of defence specialists has successfully completed flight tests of the new Gripen F Demonstrator at Linköping, Sweden.
Two flights in the two-seat aircraft were intended as a risk-reduction measure, in the context of the further development of Gripen.
As is usual during complex acquisitions, project progress by industry is closely monitored by an interdisciplinary project team.
The support of the work aimed at reducing risk in the development of the existing Gripen C/D aircraft into the upgraded Gripen E/F.
As was already the case in early May 2012, during the first series of test flights in Sweden, a Swiss flight test team led by the armasuisse defence procurement agency visited the facilities of manufacturer Saab in Linköping from Dec. 10-13.
This small team, comprising pilots and a flight test engineer, carried out in close collaboration with the aircraft manufacturer, Saab, and the manufacturer of the radar, Selex Galileo of Great Britain, two flights in the Gripen F demonstrator equipped with an AESA radar.
The radar fitted to the demonstrator is a test version employing the latest AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) technology.
The four-day program was focused on testing the test radar’s integration into the Gripen F demonstrator, and primarily allowed verification of the following features:
- Assembly
- Radar cooling
- Electrical power supply; and
- Data exchange between the radar and the mission computer.
The first day was mainly devoted to the preparation of flights with the different partners. Both flights took place on the second and third days, while the fourth and final day was devoted to the analysis of the results and the determination of the sequence of future activities.
Data recorded by the aircraft during both flights, and simultaneously transmitted in real time through a protected connection, will now be used by Saab and Selex Galileo, the manufacturer of the AESA raersion dar, for further development.
Next Steps
In 2013 and 2014, the prototype of the new AESA radar will be tested further by the industrial partners (both in the laboratory and in flight). The Swiss test team will continue to closely monitor the development program.
Gripen F Demonstrator
The Gripen F demonstrator which Swiss pilots flew in Sweden is an intermediate version between the Gripen C/D now in service and the future Gripen E.
This two-seater demonstrator, derived from a modified Gripen D airframe, made its first flight on May 27, 2008, and since then has accumulated over 250 flight hours. The demonstrator is a platform for testing subsystems of the Gripen E/F.
The Gripen F demonstrator is powered by a General Electric F414G engine.
It is fitted with internal fuel tanks of greater capacity, part of the new avionics suite (in the cockpit), two additional under-fuselage weapon hard-points and a new main landing gear.
Differences between the Gripen C/D and Gripen E
The main differences between the Gripen D flight-tested by Switzerland in 2008, and the Gripen E which Switzerland now plans to procure, are:
- More powerful engine
- Greater payload and internal fuel capacity
- Two additional under-fuselage hand-points
- New landing gear
- New radar employing the latest AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) technology.
- Passive Infrared search and tracking sensor
- New avionics, including a new cockpit
- New electronic warfare (EW) suite.
Since the decision of the Federal Council on November 30, 2011 to acquire the Gripen E as the new fighter aircraft of the Swiss Air Force, the DDPS’ Gripen team has successfully passed a series of milestones on the Gripen acquisition process.
Since the signature of the statement of intent regarding the intensification of cooperation between the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden and the DDPS in the field of security policy and defense, on June 29, 2012, and the August 24, 2012 signature of the related Framework Agreement, the Federal Council on November 14, 2012 approved a message to Parliament on the acquisition of Gripen and its financing. (ends)
الجريبين بالمواصفات السويسريه تنجح فى الإختبارات
من يوم 10 إلى 13 ديسمبر الحالى
قام فريق تابع للقوات الجويه السويسريه
بإختبار الجريبين فى السويد وتمت الإختبارات بنجاح
أهم مايميز النسخه السويسريه
محرك أقوى General Electric F414G engine
حموله أكثر
خزانات وقود أكبر
زيادة نقطتين تعليق إضافيتين
نظام هبوط جديد
رادار AESA جديد من Selex Galileo
نظام بحث بالأشعه تحت الحمراء Passive Infrared search and tracking sensor
قمره جديده و avionics جديد تمامآ
نظام حرب إليكترونيه electronic warfare حديث
From 2015, the Brazilian Air Force will receive the A-Darter missile, which will be able to maneuver up to 10 times faster than a fighter jet.
This new technology, the result of a joint development between Brazil and South Africa, has already reached the end of the test phase, and is ready to move into the next phase, large-scale production.
Last Thursday, December 6, the Air Force Command signed with the company Denel do Brasil a contract worth 1.4 million reals to prepare for the missile’s production at the industrial park of São José dos Campos (Sao Paolo state). This missile will equip the modernized version of the A-1 fighter as well as the future F-X2 fighter.
The production of the new missile will involve several Brazilian companies, including Mectron, Avibras and Opto Electronics, which have benefited from a transfer of technology in areas such as optics, navigation, sensors and image processing.
Brazil joined the A-Darter development in 2006, and is co-owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights to the missile.
According to the Technical Manager of Denel do Brazil, Everton de Paula, the San Jose dos Campos facility will manufacture all the missiles that will be acquired by the Brazilian air force, as well as components for missiles that may be exported by Brazil and South Africa to other countries.
"This agreement represents another step towards effective implementation of technology transfer. The technology we had previously was third-generation; this is a major leap, and we will now move to a fifth-generation missile," he said.
Weighing 90 kg and 2.98 meters long, the A-Darter missile is an air-to-air weapon, designed to be launched from aircraft against aerial targets. For this, it is fitted with a sensor that detects the heat of airplanes and helicopters for guidance purposes.
The technological difference is that, unlike older missiles, a fighter armed with an A-Darter missile will be able to engage targets that are not only in its front sector, but also to the sides and even to the rear of the aircraft.
Another technology unprecedented in Brazil is thrust vectoring, which consists in changing the direction of the missile motor’s exhaust.
In addition to the movement of the four small "wings," a thrust-vectoring missile is capable of making snap movements up to 100 times the force of gravity (100G), while combat aircraft are generally limited to only nine times (9G).
The missile also produces less smoke than older models, making it more difficult to detect.
The Chairman of the Program Coordinator Combat Aircraft Program’s Coordinating Committee (COPAC), Brigadier Carlos Baptista de Almeida Junior, praised the characteristics of the missile during the contract signing ceremony contract with Denel do Brasil.
"Seeing the start of production in Brazil of a fifth generation missile is certain proof that we are providing our pilots the very latest equipment," he said
البرازيل تستعد لإستلام صاروخها الجديد جو جو

هذا الصاروخ من الجيل الخامس وستتسلمه البرازيل فى 2015
و سيدمج على المقاتلات البرازيليه القديمه والحديثه
الصاروخ نتيجة تعاون مع جنوب أفريقيا
وإستفادت الشركة البرازيليه من نقل التكنولوجيا خاصة تكنولوجيا الباحث واجهزة الإستشعار ونظام التوجيه
الصاروخ مماثل للصاروخ AIM-9x الأمريكى يستطيع لإصابة اهداف خلف المقاتله
وتصل مناورته إلى 100G
أكثر بعشر مرات من المقاتلات الحديثه
مدى الصاروخ 20 كم
Australia has sent a letter of request (LOR) to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency seeking information on costs and availability for a possible purchase of 24 additional Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets.
According to a joint statement from Australia's defence minister Stephen Smith and defence materiel minister Jason Clare, the LOR is the latest step in a process assessing Australia's air combat capability options in the light of delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the retirement of the Royal Australian Air Force's 71 F/A-18A/B Hornets.
"The sending of this LOR does not commit Australia to purchase more Super Hornets," it says. "It is being sent so that the Australian Government can consider all options in 2013 with the latest cost and availability information."
The timing of any decision indicates that this may be left for a new government, with elections due in 2013.
In May, Smith announced that it was pushing back the acquisition of an initial 12 F-35As until 2014-2015 to reduce costs, adding that it would launch an transition plan to assess options to ensure that a gap does not emerge in the RAAF's air combat capability.
Australia received its 24 Super Hornets between March 2010 and October 2011, which were acquired by the previous government to cover the gap between the retirement of the General Dynamics F-111 fleet and the introduction of the F-35A.
In August, Canberra committed to transition 12 of the aircraft to the electronic warfare EA-18 Growler configuration at the end of 2020.
إستراليا تطلب معلومات عن F/A-18F Super Hornets
طلبت إستراليا معلومات عن المقاتله
F/A-18F Super Hornets
وذلك لإحتمال شراء 24 مقاتله من هذا الطراز
وكانت إستراليا كانت قد إنتهت من إستلام 24 مقاتله من هذا الطراز فى نهاية عام 2011
وتبحث إستراليا هذا الخيار لإحتمال تأجيل أو إلغاء الدفعه الأولى من الأف35
وايضآ لتقادم إسطول الأف18 القديمه التى إشتلامتها إستراليا فى اواخر الثمانيات
Australia has sent a letter of request (LOR) to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency seeking information on costs and availability for a possible purchase of 24 additional Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets.
According to a joint statement from Australia's defence minister Stephen Smith and defence materiel minister Jason Clare, the LOR is the latest step in a process assessing Australia's air combat capability options in the light of delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the retirement of the Royal Australian Air Force's 71 F/A-18A/B Hornets.
"The sending of this LOR does not commit Australia to purchase more Super Hornets," it says. "It is being sent so that the Australian Government can consider all options in 2013 with the latest cost and availability information."
The timing of any decision indicates that this may be left for a new government, with elections due in 2013.
In May, Smith announced that it was pushing back the acquisition of an initial 12 F-35As until 2014-2015 to reduce costs, adding that it would launch an transition plan to assess options to ensure that a gap does not emerge in the RAAF's air combat capability.
Australia received its 24 Super Hornets between March 2010 and October 2011, which were acquired by the previous government to cover the gap between the retirement of the General Dynamics F-111 fleet and the introduction of the F-35A.
In August, Canberra committed to transition 12 of the aircraft to the electronic warfare EA-18 Growler configuration at the end of 2020.
إستراليا تطلب معلومات عن F/A-18F Super Hornets
طلبت إستراليا معلومات عن المقاتله
F/A-18F Super Hornets
وذلك لإحتمال شراء 24 مقاتله من هذا الطراز
وكانت إستراليا كانت قد إنتهت من إستلام 24 مقاتله من هذا الطراز فى نهاية عام 2011
وتبحث إستراليا هذا الخيار لإحتمال تأجيل أو إلغاء الدفعه الأولى من الأف35
وايضآ لتقادم إسطول الأف18 القديمه التى إشتلامتها إستراليا فى اواخر الثمانيات
Brazil will keep a long-delayed acquisition of 36 fighters on hold until the national economy recovers from an ongoing slump, according to translated remarks by President Dilma Rousseff.
The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet (below), Dassault Rafale and Saab Gripen NG were shortlisted by the Brazilian air force in 2008 for the F-X2 deal
Brazil's government had expected to sign a contract during 2012, but the award has now been postponed indefinitely while it diverts funds to bolster the economy with tax cuts and infrastructure spending, Rousseff says.
The final selection "may take some time", says Rousseff, according to a translation of her responses during a press conference in Paris.
In the "coming months", she adds, the government hopes the economy will grow at a rate that will allow the F-X2 award to move forward.
The F-X2 deal was expected to be signed three years ago as the Brazilian economy was booming. But a series of missteps during the evaluation process first delayed a contract award, and then the tender was put on hold for a year after Rousseff's election in November 2010.
The latest delay means it is unlikely that the Brazilian air force will have the new fighters in operation before the country hosts the 2014 World Cup. Its current inventory includes 10 Dassault Mirage 2000Cs and 43 Northrop F-5E/EMs, according to
المناقصه البرازيليه الخاصه بشراء 36 مقاتله ستتأخر قليلآ
لحين تعافى الإقتصاد
وذلك بسبب خفض الضرائب
و زيادة الإنفاق على البنيه التحتيه فى البرازيل
Rafael has for the first time confirmed on record that it is developing a new air-to-air missile.
Roni Potasman, Rafael's executive vice-president for research and development, told Flightglobal that while air forces in Arab countries have lost much of their potential in recent years, the situation may change. "Therefore, we continue to develop advanced air-to-air missiles," he says.
The Python-5, which is operational in the Israeli air force and other air forces, is considered one of the most advanced and agile "fifth-generation" air-to-air weapons. Sources say that based on experience, Rafael is now working on a "very advanced, very surprising missile that will surpass any other air-to-air missile in the world".
شركة رافائيل الإسرائيليه تستعد لإطلاق صاروخ جو جو جديد من الجيل السادس
على الرغم من من أن القوات الجويه العربيه قد فقدت الكثير من قدراتها فى السنوات الماضيه
وهذا بحسب قول المسئؤل الإسرائيلى
بالتأكيد يقصد العراق و سوريا وليبيا
وعلى الرغم من إمتلاك إسرائيل لصاروخ من الجيل الخامس وهو البايثون5
فأن شركة رافائيل تستعد لمشروع صاروخ جيل سادس
وبذلك ستكون الشركه الوحيده فى العالم التى تبدء مثل هذا المشروع
ومن المتوقع أن يكون هيكل الصاروخ مماثل لهيكل صاروخ مقلاع داود الإعتراضى والذى يسما برأس الدولفين وسيزود بأحدث المستشعرات والبواحث

الصينيون يقولون إن مقاتلتهم البحريه الجديده J15
برغم مشابهتها للسوخوى33
إلا إنها غير مستنسخه منها
فهى أخف وزنآ
وأبعد مدى
وأكثر فى الحموله
والرادار اكثر تطورآ
وانظمة إليكترونيات وكمبيوتر حديثه أسرع من انظمة السوخوى 33 بألاف المرات

Russia's fourth prototype Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter jet took to the skies for the first time Wednesday in a 40-minute flight at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory in Siberia, Sukhoi said.
"The fourth prototype PAK-FA made its first flight today from the Gagarin factory in Komsomolsk-on-Amur," Sukhoi said, referring to the aircraft by its project name, an acronym for future fifth-generation tactical fighter.
"The flight tested the aircraft's overall integrity and its main engines. The aircraft is making a good impression in all phases of the flying programme," Sukhoi said.
The T-50, which will be the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a fifth-generation multi-role fighter aircraft featuring low-observable technology (stealth), super-manoeuverability, supercruise capability (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), and an advanced avionics suite including an X-band active phased-array radar.
The first prototype first flew Jan 29, 2010.
The Russian defence ministry plans to purchase a first batch of 10 evaluation aircraft and then 60 production-standard aircraft after 2015.
النموذج الرابع من المقاتله الشبحيه T50
أقلع بنجاح يوم الأربعاء الماضى فى رحله إستغرقت 40 دقيقه
وستبدء القوات الروسيه فى إستلامها فى 2015