الخميس، 21 يوليو 2011

بعد الموافقه على بناء الجسر بين مصر والمملكه ما الفوائد التى ستعود على البلدين إقتصاديآ وعسكريآ

حكومة شرف توافق على بدء بناء جسر ضخم مع السعودية بعد تجميد المخلوع للمشروع

  • دبلوماسيون غربيون: الموافقة على المشروع تعزز موقف الحكومة المصرية..و صناديق إستثمار خليجية وشركات قطاع خاص ستمول الجسر
 كشف مسئولون في وزارة النقل المصرية  لموقع ”شبيجل أونلاين” الإخباري عن موافقة مصر على بدء العمل في بناء جسر عملاق لحركة المرور والسكك الحديدية يمتد عبر خليج العقبة ليربط بينها وبين المملكة العربية السعودية.
وقال المسؤولون إن المشروع الذى تجرى مناقشته منذ عام 1988 , قد تمت أخيرا الموافقة عليه, وكلف رئيس الوزراء المصري عصام شرف  رئيس جمعية الطرق العربية بالإشراف على تنفيذ المشروع .
ووفقا لصحيفة أخبار العرب فإنه من المتوقع ان تقوم صناديق الاستثمار لمجلس التعاون الخليجى وشركات القطاع الخاص بتمويل الجسر الذى من شأنه أن يساعد المسافرين على قطع المسافة فى 22 دقيقة.
وسيصبح الجسر الذي يبلغ طوله 32 كيلومترا المنفذ البري الوحيد الذي يربط بين لدول العربية في شمال أفريقيا  ونظيرتها في جزيرة العرب من دون الحاجة إلى عبور الأراضي الإسرائيلية, وسيقلل الاعتماد على العبور بالعبارات المحفوفة بالمخاطر احيانا عبر البحر الأحمر والموانئ العربية على البحر المتوسط .
وقال المخططون للمشروع إن الرسوم التي يدفعها ملايين الحجاج للخطوط الجوية للوصول إلى الأماكن المقدسة  في المملكة العربية السعودية يمكن أن تصل الى 5 مليار دولار تقريباً, ومن المتوقع ان تبلغ تكلفة الجسر هذا المبلغ, وأن يؤدي إلى زيادة الإقبال على الحج بعد تقليل نفقات السفر.
وكان الرئيس المخلوع حسني مبارك قد جمد المشروع بشكل مفاجئ  قبل فترة وجيزة من بدء البناء في استجابة لمخاوف أمنية عبرت عنها اسرائيل .
وقال متحدث باسم الحكومة السعودية” :  لن ندع أحدا يثبط عزيمتنا عن خططنا  للبناء . ومضيق تيران يقع في المياه الدولية ” .
وقال دبلوماسيون غربيون للموقع إن الإعلان عن موافقة الحكومة المصرية على المشروع يأتي في توقيت استراتيجي لتعزيز موقفها المتعثر


صراحة إلى ماسبق فأنه يوجد منافع كثيره جدآ ذات فائده فى غاية الأهميه للبلدين

ونستعرض معآ المكان المحدد لإقامة الجسر



المكان يربط جزيرة العرب بمصر وهذا سيعطى بعد إستراتيجى للطرفين
ومن وجهة نظرى على ما أعتقد أهم الفؤائد هم نقطتين
نعلم إن إيران دائمآ تهدد بغلق مضيق هرمز وهو شريان تصدير النفط الخليجى
الكوبر سيحل هذه المشكله بإنشاء خط انابيب لتصدير النفط
بداية الخط من المناطق السعوديه على الخليج العربى وينتهى إلى ميناء معد مخصوصآ
على قناة السويس لتصدير النفط للأسواق الغربيه و الأمريكيه
وهذا الخط سيكون بطول 1500كم تقريبآ

هنا نجد المسافه التى سيوفر هذا الخط
وهو سيختصر مسافة 6000كم من الخطوط البحريه

أما النقطه الثانيه
فهى عسكريه
وهى ستتمثل فى سهولة نقل قوات بريه مصريه من السويس
إلى ساحل الخليج العربى 
لمواجهة أى خطر يهدد دول الخليج العربى العربيه
وهذا فى حالة إحتياج القوات الخلجيه لها
نجد أن المسافه من سيناء إلى ساحل الخليج حوالى 1500كم تقريبآ
وهذا سيسهل أى عملية نقل بين الطرفين

هذا أهم نقطتين من وجهة نظرى
وهناك الكثير

الاثنين، 18 يوليو 2011

الهند توافق على تطوير 51مقاتله ميراج فى صفقه مع فرنسا تقدر ب2.4مليار دولار

India approves $2.4 bn French Mirage jet upgrade

dia has approved a $2.4-billion proposal from French defence groups to upgrade its fleet of 51 ageing Mirage fighter jets, a military source said on Thursday.
"The defence secretary has agreed to the proposal put forward by French defence majors Dassault and Thales and (European group) MBDA for the Mirage-2000 retrofit," the source in the Indian Air Force (IAF) told AFP.
The upgrade is expected to include advanced navigation systems, mission computers, electronic warfare systems and radars.
The work is likely to take nine years and will see two of the Mirages being retro-fitted in France. The remaining aircraft will be upgraded at the state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics base in Bangalore.
The deal had been stuck for five years due to differences over costs and the proposed benefits to the IAF, the Press Trust of India news agency said.
Overhaul of the fleet will add 20-25 years to the life of the Mirages, which joined the Indian air force in the mid-1980s


الهند وافقت على العرض الفرنسى لتطوير أسطولها من مقاتلات الميراج البالغ عددها 51 مقاتله
فى صفقه تقدر قيمتها ب 2.4 مليار دولار
وتشمل الترقيه الرادارت وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والأفيونكس وأجهزة الحرب الإكترونيه
وستكون الشركات المنفذه من الجانب الفرنسى
داسو وطاليس و MBDA
سيتم تطوير أول مقاتلتين فى فرنسا والباقى سيتم تطويره فى الهند
ومن المقرر أن يستمر وقت التطوير لمدة تسعة سنوات
يذكر إن هذا الإتفاق كان معلقآ منذ خمسة سنوات نظرآ لإعتراض الهنود على التكلفه العاليه
ومن المقرر أن تزيد عملية الترقيه من عمر الميراج من 20 إلى 25 عامآ
ويذكر إن الهند إشترت الميراج فى منتصف الثمنيانيات


الأحد، 17 يوليو 2011

مشروع المقاتله الكوريه KFX هل ستكون ذات جدوى ؟ مناقشه

Indonesia-South Korea KFX Cooperation: The Second-Best Option?

Indonesia and South Korea are getting ready to sign an MoU on the joint-development of a KFX fighter jet program (dubbed Boramae) later this year, following a letter of intent in March 2009 on Indonesian participation in a KFX study. When enacted, the MOU will provide a breakthrough for both countries in terms of bilateral defense collaboration and aircraft technology indigenization.

The defense community and members of parliament believe that the cooperation will help the revitalization of the Indonesian defense industry. MPs urged the government to conduct a feasibility test before embarking on a US$2 billion venture that spans across an eight-year period. It is expected from the collaboration that five prototypes will be built before 2020.

Approximately 200+ aircraft will be manufactured for both the Indonesian and Korean Air Force. Surely there is a sense of pride creeping into every Indonesian’s minds knowing that the biggest Muslim country in the world is going to carry on an indigenize a fighter jet program, debunking the myth that only technologically advanced countries can achieve this.

Indeed, the cooperation will not only allow Indonesia to access the so-called 4.5th generation fighter jet technology, but also help South Korea preserve the bloodline for an indigenous fighter jet program since they can only afford 60 percent of the necessitate fund.

But before we indulge in a techno-nationalism fantasy, several imminent issues need to be pondered. Sarcastic remarks as to why Indonesia uses a jet fighter project as sustenance for the aerospace industry when the capacity of the Indonesian Aerospace is still limited to transport aircraft and helicopter, will inevitably raise.

Therefore, it is important to answer basic questions such as what the “indigenize fighter jet program” means in reality and how this will help revitalize the defense industry. There is also an urgency to shed some light upon the KFX program and whether it fits into the Indonesian strategic and defense-industrial interests.

The first issue is the technical and fiscal feasibility of the KFX project. The controversial project was initiated in 2001, with an estimated cost of $13 billion for the production of 120 aircraft, and has not progressed from a feasibility study since. It is acknowledged that South Korea is lacking both in technical and fiscal abilities to kick start the program, with the Korean Aerospace Industry (KAI) as a prime contractor possessing only 63 percent of technological capability needed.

Established through a merger of three companies in 1999, KAI has a modest experience of developing the indigenous KT-1 Wong Bee trainer, license-producing F-16K and joint-developing T-50 advanced trainer as well as making parts for F-15 (forward fuselage and wings).

It does not have an extensive track record as it exports only the KT-1 trainer to Indonesia and Turkey, and is still unable to sell a single T-50 advanced trainer jet despite having been shortlisted for procurement in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Israel, Greece, Singapore and the US.

The second issue is the “sovereignty” of technology contained in the KFX and sustainability of in-service operation, since the KFX will be using subsystems such as engine and avionics from third countries that might present political complication for Indonesia. The KFX will be developed from T-50 Golden Eagle, a supersonic advance jet trainer jointly developed by KAI and the US Lockheed Martin, with the latter provided the avionics system, flight control and wings. In addition to the US, it is possible that Israel also contributes through an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar that will be built domestically in South Korea.

With the Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) statement about the necessity to bring in international partner from big players such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, EADS and Saab to help develop the KFX, obviously there will be further third country subsystems fitted into the KFX platform, which bring more complexities of supply in the future. Nevertheless, there is benefit, as Indonesia might be able to absorb world class knowledge through cooperation with those big aerospace companies and establish a position in the global supply chain.

The third issue is risk associated with developing new technology; among them are cost overruns, under performance and delay. Under the MOU, Indonesia will bear 20 percent of the initial budget worth $8 billion, but the real cost can easily stretch out along the process. The risks of cost overruns and delay have taken place in similar collaborations such as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and the Eurofighter.

The JSF cost overrun is almost double its initial estimated price within 10 years of project (2001-2010), whereas the Eurofighter experienced cost overrun and “eternal delay” so bad that the participating countries decided to cut down the amount of aircraft order. Indonesia needs to be clear on how flexible they can be in terms of accepting risks incurred from participation in the project and whether the risk will be worthy of being paid off.

The fourth issue is whether the KFX project will really help revitalize the Indonesian defense industry, through job creation, transfer of technology and creation of local supply chains. Jakarta needs to be articulate in the clearest way possible about the expectation of the economic benefits possibly derived from the project.

It is not clear yet as to which model of work share is to be employed, whether it is juste retour (just return) or earned work shares (participation based on demonstrated competencies), or will Jakarta only access the know-how without participating in the production line (which is nearly impossible).

For the sake of comparison, the Eurofighter project helps create 30,000 jobs across Europe. However, with a cost at $45-50 million per copy, it sees limited prospect of export when facing competition from the JSF and Gripen, not to mention competing Russian and Chinese products in the non-European market.

Aviation Week estimated the break-even-point of the KFX will be reached with production of at least 200-250 aircraft, and it is only if the unit price of each copy can be pushed down to $41 million that makes it possible for export. If Indonesia were to order around 50 aircraft, it is possible to negotiate 20-25 percent of total work-share based on “juste retour” principle, and this will materialize in a significant number of jobs. Without export, however, the long-term economic benefits will likely demise once the project completes.

Experts share doubt whether the KFX can really offer the cutting-edge technology as offered by 5th Generation fighters such as the JSF and the Indo-Russian PAKFA in 2020s, which means in terms of strategic calculation, the KFX may not be the best option to fight with a more technologically advanced enemy.

Facing the 5th G fighter jet race from China, Japan, and Indo-Russia, the South Korean government has a difficult time calculating a trade-off between strategic and industrial interest, between building an indigenous fighter or buy best off-the-shelf (OTS) available on the market. Indonesia may not face a similar dilemma as there is no imminent 5th G fighter race with neighboring countries, but it does not mean that Jakarta do not need to explore another value for the money option.

Another possibility of using defense acquisition as industrial policy tool is using an offsets obligation to accompany the OTS procurement. Alternatively, $2 billion will enable Indonesia to get more than a squadron of cutting-edge OTS technology. Neither joint-development nor procuring OTS will give sovereignty of supply, but the OTS does not only give the advantage of value for money because it bypasses the development cost, but it also ensures getting the attested technology that probably would serve both defense-industrial and strategic interests better


Indonesia-South Korea KFX Cooperation: The Second-Best Option?

الجميع لديه بعض المعلومات عن مشروع هذه المقاتله الكوريه التى تعد من الجيل +4
فى هذا المقال خبر قرب توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين كوريا وإندونيسيا للمشاركه فى هذا المشروع 
ويتحدث المقال عن إمكانية نجاح هذا المشروع وما هو العائد الذى سيعود على كل من اندونيسيا وكوريا

بالنسبه لإندونيسا 
فأعضاء البرلمان مقتنعون إن هذا المشروع سينشط الصناعات الدفاعيه الإندونيسيه
والتى ستشارك بمبلغ 2 مليار دولار
وسيتم تصنيع خمسة نماذج خلال الثمانى سنوات القادمه

ومن المتوقع أن يتم تصنيع 200 مقاتله للبلدين
وهذا جيد بالنسبه لإندونيسيا التى تعتبر أكبر بلد مسلم فى العالم
وأيضآ هذا يدحض القول القائل بأن الدول الكبر وحدها هى التى تستطيع فقط الدخول فى مثل هذه المشاريع

ولكن هناك أسئله يجب أن تطرح قبل الإنغماس فى وجهات النظر المتفائله
ما جدوى هذا المشروع لإندونيسيا
فهذا المشروع المثير للجدل بدء فى عام 2001
بتكلفه 13مليار دولار لإنتاج 120 مقاتله
ومن المعروف أن كوريا تفتقر إلى القدرات الفنيه والماليه اللازمه لتصنيع هذه المقاتله كامله
فهى تستطيع إنتاج نسبة 63% من هذه الطائره
وهى تقوم بتصنيع طائرة التدريب t50 والتى لم تستطيع بيعها إلا إلى إندونيسيا هذا العام
مع وجود أخبار عن رغبة الإمارات وإسرائيل ودول أخرى
وتقوم أيضآ بتصنيع بعض أجزاء الأف16 والأف15

أيضآ هناك الأكتفاء الذاتى من التكنولوجيا
فانظمه خاصه للمقاتله مثل الأفيونكس والمحرك ستأتى من بلدان أخرى
وهذا سيمثل ضغوط سياسيه على إندونيسيا
فكوريا تصنع طائرة التدريب بالإشتراك مع لوكهيدمارتن
وفى حالة صناعة المقاتله
من المقترح أن يتم تركيب رادار aesa إسرائيلى الصنع يجمع فى كوريا الجنوبيه
أيضآ ستحتاج كوريا إلى لوكهيد وبوينج وإيداس وساب فى توريد معدات أخرى
مما يمثل تعقيدات كثيره للمشروع

أيضآ هناك مشكلة التطوير وزيادة التكلفه
فما هى خطط تطوير هذه المقاتله التى تعتمد على عدة مصادر
وما هى إمكانية زيادة التكلفه على غرار الأف35
فهل لدى إندونيسيا المرونه لتحمل كل ذلك

أيضآ غير معروف ما هى النسبه التى ستساهم فيها الصناعات الإندونيسيه
فى تصنيع هذه المقاتله ونقل التكنولوجيا وتشغيل أيدى عامله كل هذا غير معروف

وهل ستتمكن المقاتله من المنافسه فى السوق العالميه خاصة مع المقاتلات الروسيه والصينيه
وخاصة إنها ستنتج بعد 2020
حينها سيكون هناك دول مجاوره لكوريا الجنوبيه تمتلك مقاتلات الجيل الخامس
على غرار اليابان والصين والهند وروسيا
فهل سيكون الأفضل لكوريا شراء مقاتله جيل خامس أما صناعة مقاتله وطنيه من الجيل الرابع ونصف
هذا الأمر ليس مهم لإندونيسيا لأنه لا يوجد أحد من جيرانها يسعا لإمتلاك مقاتلات جيل خامس

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الجمعة، 1 يوليو 2011

إكتمال تدريب أول دفعه من طيارى الأف16 المغربيه وصفقه للعراق ب675 مليون دولار

  First Moroccan F-16 Pilots to Complete Training in Arizona
    TUCSON, Ariz. --- In July, the Kingdom of Morocco, a strategic partner for U.S. forces in North Africa, will become the 25th country to own and operate F-16s.

The pilots tapped to fly them are scheduled to finish training here in time to bring them home, July 30.

Four Royal Moroccan Air Force officers, former F-5 pilots, will conclude 15 months of instruction at the 162nd Fighter Wing, the international F-16 training unit at Tucson International Airport.

They are the first from their country to accomplish consecutive courses in basic qualification, flight lead upgrade and instructor pilot certification in the multi-role fighter.

A handful of Air National Guard pilots will accompany them as they deliver the first four of Morocco's 24-aircraft purchase. The new planes, block-52 versions of the fighter, will be fresh off the assembly line and are a considerable step up in technology from the third generation fighters Morocco currently flies.

"We are modernizing our fleet and we've chosen the F-16, not only because it is a high-quality airplane, but also because of the close relationship we have with the United States," said Deputy Inspector of the Royal Moroccan Air Force, Brig. Gen. Abdelali Houari.

"We are really happy to send our pilots here to be trained," he said. "After a year and a half in the United States, our pilots are happy. Of course they want to return home, but they have gained a lot of experience here with the Arizona Air National Guard."

Lt. Col. Steve Haase, the Morocco program manager for the 162nd FW, has worked with the Royal Moroccon Air Force for three years. He's trained fighter pilots from all over the world and fully understands the scope of the students' historic accomplishment.
"It's all them," he said. "It's a big commitment to be the first F-16 pilots for Morocco. It's a testament to their positive attitude and work ethic. They are excited about the F-16 and its capabilities; yet they understand how much work there will be to build up an F-16 base."

As students, the pilots averaged three sorties per week and accumulated more than 150 F-16 hours each. Once home, they will be responsible not only for training others, but will also be instrumental in implementing F-16 operations at Ben Guerir Air Base.

Ben Guerir is a former U.S. air base located about 36 miles north of Marrakech and once served as a transatlantic abort landing site for the space shuttle. It's currently undergoing upgrades that, according to Moroccan officials, are modeled after U.S. Air Force bases.

"These are the best F-5 instructor pilots from their air force," Colonel Haase said. "They think the way we think. They have really shown that they want to learn how we (the U.S.) operate with the F-16 so they can do it the same way -- not just flying, but everything from maintenance to logistics."

Six additional Moroccan pilots are in the basic F-16 course in Tucson with graduation planned for September. They too will return home to help manage Morocco's growing F-16 fleet.

It's unclear if more student pilots from Morocco will train in Tucson; however, according to Colonel Haase, the 162nd FW stands ready.

"Every country is very different; that's what's so fascinating for instructor pilots here," the colonel said. "We get to know these guys on a personal level and establish trust with them. Training capable fighter pilots and fostering relationships along the way is what this is all about."

Since 1989, the 162nd FW has trained with virtually every nation that flies the F-16. In addition to Morocco, the wing trains with pilots from Singapore, Norway, Belgium, Chile, the South Korea, and the Netherlands



سينتهى تدريب أول دفعه من الطيارين المغاربه المعدين للعمل على الأف16 الجديده فى 30 يوليو القادم
والدفعه عباره عن 4 ظباط من سلاح الجو المغربى ومجموعه صغيره من أبرز طيارى المقاتله f5 ويتدربون فى Tucson International Airport
وفترة تدريبهم 15 شهر كامل
ويستعدون أيضآ لإستلام أول دفعه من الأف16 بلوك52 وهى عباره عن 4 مقاتلات
ستقفز بسلاح الجو المغربى إلى تكنولوجيا أعلى

Iraq – Follow-On Support and Maintenance of Multiple Aircraft Systems

Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Iraq for follow-on support and maintenance of multiple aircraft systems and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $675 million.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of follow-on support and maintenance of multiple aircraft systems that include TC-208s, Cessna 172s, AC-208s, T-6As, and King Air 350s. Included are ground stations, repair and return, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support.

The estimated cost is $675 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country. This proposed sale directly supports the Iraq government and serves the interests of the Iraqi people and the U.S.

The proposed sale will help the Iraqi government to maintain indigenous Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, training, and counter insurgency/counter-terrorism capabilities. As the drawdown of coalition forces continues, the Iraqi Air Force continues to develop a force capable of assuming the lead in providing for the security of the Iraqi people. The follow-on support will ensure the operational capability of the Iraqi Air Force and will allow it to sustain itself in its efforts to establish stability in Iraq.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractors will be Hawker Beechcraft Corporation in Wichita, Kansas; Flight Safety International in Flushing, New York; Alliant Techsystems in Magna, Utah; L-3 Communications in New York, New York; and Integration Innovation, Inc. in Huntsville, Alabama. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Australia.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded

العراق سيحصل على صفقه ب675مليون دولار عبار عن معدات دعم لوجيست وصيانه وقطع غيار ولإصلاح
للطائرات التاليه
TC-208s, Cessna 172s, AC-208s, T-6As, and King Air 350s

الشبح الصينيه j20 على خطى الأمريكيه f35

المقاتلات من نوع إستيلث التى تستخدم تقنية التخفى تحمل أسلحتها بداخلها للتقليل من البصمه الرادريه الأمريكيه f35 مصممه لذلك إلا إنها تستطيع ...