The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has embarked on a project to indigenously develop new generation fighter, which would have similar operational functions of the world’s advanced fifth-generation fighters, the Indian newspaper the Tribune reported, citing Subramanayam, Director of the DRDO’s Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA).
The world’s fifth generation fighters were led by the US most sophisticated stealth fighter F-22 in late 2005. Those fighters claimed the capabilities of “first-look, first-shot, first-kill” by being designed from the start to operate in a network-centric combat environment, and to feature low signatures employing advanced materials and shaping techniques.
Subramanyam said the new generation fighter would be a twin- engine aircraft, just like existing MiG-29 fighter, and its total weight is about 20 tons, different from the joint Indo-Russian fifth generation fighter with a weight of 30 tons.
The DRDO is expected to finish the definition of the new generation fighter’s technical and operational requirements and lay out the broad concepts for the new fighter’s development within about one and half a year.
The official said the first indigenously developed jet fighter Tejas will receive operational clearance in the next two months and is scheduled to enter the service with the Indian Air Force next year
India can only (develop the FGFA) by partnering with Russia. They have so much experience. It’s not just the design… you must also have materials… maraging steel, titanium, composite alloys, and the industrial base to convert these into high-tech components like gyros, sensors and optics. The FGFA will give us important experience for building fighters hereafter
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