القوة الجوية لجمهورية كوريا (대한민국 공군, 大韓民國 空軍) هي سلاح الجو لكوريا الجنوبية. تحت قيادة وزارة الدفاع الوطني.

البرنامج الشامل لتحديث القوات الجويه لكوريا الجنوبيه
South Korea`s F-X Fighter Program

The ROKAF (Republic of Korea Air Force) originally planned to buy 120 advanced, high-end fighters as its next-generation platform in order to replace its existing fleet of F-4 Phantom IIs and other aircraft. So far, it has bought 60 fighters in 2 phases. Now the 3rd phase looms, and the question is whether it will be a variant of their existing fleet, or something new.
Back in 2002, the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) selected the F-15K advanced derivative of the F-15E Strike Eagle for its Next Generation Fighter Program, and bought 40. In 2008, a 2nd contract was signed for 20 more F-15ks, with slight modifications. While the DAPA procurement agency dreams of developing their own “5th generation” aircraft, reality is likely to be far more prosaic, and manufacturers are offering the ROKAF a number of options.
South Korea’s relationship with Boeing’s F-15 began in 2002, with a $3.6 billion contract to deliver 40 aircraft to the ROKAF, beginning in 2006 and ending in August 2008.
Their 2-seat F-15K Slam Eagles were the first F-15s produced withan updated version of the GE F110 engine common on many US F-16C/D aircraft, and on the ROKAF’s first 40 F-16 Block 30s, making South Korea the world’s first F-15 customer to fly that engine. They will also carry the SLAM-ER missile as their medium-range precision strike weapon. F-15Ks have not been equipped with the AESA radars found on some US F-15Cs and Singapore’s forthcoming F-15SGs, however, relying instead on the AN/APG-63v1 radar upgrade, whose back-end can accommodate an AESA array in future, if one is added. See this RealVideo clip of the first F-15K in flight.
In May 2006, the Korean Overseas Information Service said that the ROKAF would purchase another 20 multi-role aircraft, with delivery planned to begin in 2009. This 2nd phase of the F-X next-generation warplane procurement project didn’t quite go as planed. The ROKAF had reportedly hoped to order another 40 planes for F-X-2, but had to settle for just 20 more instead. Then their open competition fell apart. The F-35 was excluded for having incompatible timelines, Dassault and Sukhoi didn’t attend the DAPA presentation after being named as candidates, then Eurofighter pulled out, leaving Boeing’s F-15K as the only submission. DAPA put out a second request for tenders in response, and Boeing was, again, the only respondent.
The actual Phase 2 deal was signed in April 2008. It covered 21 more F-15Ks, to be powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229-EEP extended life engine, instead of the GE F110-129 that equipped its previous 40 planes. An earlier F100 variant powers its 140 “KF-16” Block 52s, and the arrangements ensure that troubles with either engine type will still leave South Korea with a substantial operational fighter force.
Plans are still on the table for F-X Phase 3. According to a ROKAF report submitted to the National Assembly in 2007, DAPA planned to open bidding in 2011 for 60 “5th-generation” jets under a 5.4 trillion won/ $5.4 billion program, aiming to deploy the planes between 2014 -2019. Current plans call for a 40-60 fighter order, by 2014.
Stealth has been mentioned as an important characteristic, and the F-35 Lightning II was initially seen as the only contender, but program delays may make its participation questionable. Then discussions shifted to some kind of indigenous “5th generation” design, possibly in concert with a major foreign defense firm. That option was never especially realistic, but it may survive in a toned-down form. Boeing continues to take steps toward making Korea the launch partner for its most advanced F-15 fighter yet: the F-15SE Silent Eagle, with an improved radar profile and internal weapon bays.
تم إعداد البرنامج لإخراج مقاتلات الفانتوم القديمه وإدخال 120مقاتله جديده للقوات الجويه الكوريه الجنوبيه
على ثلاث مراحل
تم منهما مرحلتين إلى الأن
المرحله الأولى
كانت البدايه فى عام 2002 وتم التعاقد على 40 مقاتله f15k بتكلفه 3.6 مليار دولار وهى طراز خاص لكوريا الجنوبيه ويعتبر من افضل طرازت الأف 15 العامله الأن إبتدء التسليم فى 2006 وإنتهى فى 2008
المرحله الثانيه
تم التعاقد على 20 مقاتله إضافيه f15k إبتدء تسليمهم فى عام 2009
وكان من المقرر فوز f35 فى هذه المناقصه إلا أن تأخير البرنامج الخاص بها حال دون ذلك
و كانت الشركات الأخرى فى المناقصه
داسو بمقاتلة رافال
يوروفايتر بمقاتلة تايفون
وشركة سوخوى
إلا أن شركة سوخوى لم تحضر المناقصه
وغادرت يوروفايتر
وفى النهايه فازت الأف15k
المرحله الثالثه
ستكون المناقصه فى عام 2011
وتريد كوريا 60 مقاتله جيل خامس بتكلفة 5.4 مليار دولار
وكانت الأف 35 أيضآ هى المرشح الرئيسى
إلا أن تأخير البرنامج الخاص بها
يدفع كوريا الجنوبيه إلى الأف 15 سايلنت إيجل لتكون هى المقاتله الفائزه

المقاتلات العامله حاليآ
F-15K Slam Eagle 42
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x506.

F-16C Block 32 28
F-16D Block 32 7
F-16C Block 52 90
F-16D Block 52 44
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600.

F-4E 68

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x534.

F-5 174طرزات متعدده

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1800x1165.

بمجموع 453 مقاتله
بلإضافه إلى 18 مقاتله f15k تحت التسليم
طائرات النقل
ولدى القوات الجويه الكوريه 46 طائرة نقل متعددة الأنواع والأحجام

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 2592x1944.

طائرات الأستطلاع
46 طائره مخصصه للإستطلاع بالأضافه إلى طائره أواكس بوينج 737

طائرات التدريب
124 طائره قديمه أنواع هوك البريطانيه واليوشين الروسيه
وطائره كوريه KT-1
60 طائره t50 كوريه حديثه
82 طائره t50 كوريه حديثه تحت التسليم

طائرات الهليكوبتر
48 طائره أنواع مختلفه
بيل وتشينوك وطائرات من سيكورسيكى وكاموف الروسيه

البرنامج الشامل لتحديث القوات الجويه لكوريا الجنوبيه
South Korea`s F-X Fighter Program
. |
The ROKAF (Republic of Korea Air Force) originally planned to buy 120 advanced, high-end fighters as its next-generation platform in order to replace its existing fleet of F-4 Phantom IIs and other aircraft. So far, it has bought 60 fighters in 2 phases. Now the 3rd phase looms, and the question is whether it will be a variant of their existing fleet, or something new.
Back in 2002, the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) selected the F-15K advanced derivative of the F-15E Strike Eagle for its Next Generation Fighter Program, and bought 40. In 2008, a 2nd contract was signed for 20 more F-15ks, with slight modifications. While the DAPA procurement agency dreams of developing their own “5th generation” aircraft, reality is likely to be far more prosaic, and manufacturers are offering the ROKAF a number of options.
South Korea’s relationship with Boeing’s F-15 began in 2002, with a $3.6 billion contract to deliver 40 aircraft to the ROKAF, beginning in 2006 and ending in August 2008.
Their 2-seat F-15K Slam Eagles were the first F-15s produced withan updated version of the GE F110 engine common on many US F-16C/D aircraft, and on the ROKAF’s first 40 F-16 Block 30s, making South Korea the world’s first F-15 customer to fly that engine. They will also carry the SLAM-ER missile as their medium-range precision strike weapon. F-15Ks have not been equipped with the AESA radars found on some US F-15Cs and Singapore’s forthcoming F-15SGs, however, relying instead on the AN/APG-63v1 radar upgrade, whose back-end can accommodate an AESA array in future, if one is added. See this RealVideo clip of the first F-15K in flight.
In May 2006, the Korean Overseas Information Service said that the ROKAF would purchase another 20 multi-role aircraft, with delivery planned to begin in 2009. This 2nd phase of the F-X next-generation warplane procurement project didn’t quite go as planed. The ROKAF had reportedly hoped to order another 40 planes for F-X-2, but had to settle for just 20 more instead. Then their open competition fell apart. The F-35 was excluded for having incompatible timelines, Dassault and Sukhoi didn’t attend the DAPA presentation after being named as candidates, then Eurofighter pulled out, leaving Boeing’s F-15K as the only submission. DAPA put out a second request for tenders in response, and Boeing was, again, the only respondent.
The actual Phase 2 deal was signed in April 2008. It covered 21 more F-15Ks, to be powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229-EEP extended life engine, instead of the GE F110-129 that equipped its previous 40 planes. An earlier F100 variant powers its 140 “KF-16” Block 52s, and the arrangements ensure that troubles with either engine type will still leave South Korea with a substantial operational fighter force.
Plans are still on the table for F-X Phase 3. According to a ROKAF report submitted to the National Assembly in 2007, DAPA planned to open bidding in 2011 for 60 “5th-generation” jets under a 5.4 trillion won/ $5.4 billion program, aiming to deploy the planes between 2014 -2019. Current plans call for a 40-60 fighter order, by 2014.
Stealth has been mentioned as an important characteristic, and the F-35 Lightning II was initially seen as the only contender, but program delays may make its participation questionable. Then discussions shifted to some kind of indigenous “5th generation” design, possibly in concert with a major foreign defense firm. That option was never especially realistic, but it may survive in a toned-down form. Boeing continues to take steps toward making Korea the launch partner for its most advanced F-15 fighter yet: the F-15SE Silent Eagle, with an improved radar profile and internal weapon bays.
تم إعداد البرنامج لإخراج مقاتلات الفانتوم القديمه وإدخال 120مقاتله جديده للقوات الجويه الكوريه الجنوبيه
على ثلاث مراحل
تم منهما مرحلتين إلى الأن
المرحله الأولى
كانت البدايه فى عام 2002 وتم التعاقد على 40 مقاتله f15k بتكلفه 3.6 مليار دولار وهى طراز خاص لكوريا الجنوبيه ويعتبر من افضل طرازت الأف 15 العامله الأن إبتدء التسليم فى 2006 وإنتهى فى 2008
المرحله الثانيه
تم التعاقد على 20 مقاتله إضافيه f15k إبتدء تسليمهم فى عام 2009
وكان من المقرر فوز f35 فى هذه المناقصه إلا أن تأخير البرنامج الخاص بها حال دون ذلك
و كانت الشركات الأخرى فى المناقصه
داسو بمقاتلة رافال
يوروفايتر بمقاتلة تايفون
وشركة سوخوى
إلا أن شركة سوخوى لم تحضر المناقصه
وغادرت يوروفايتر
وفى النهايه فازت الأف15k
المرحله الثالثه
ستكون المناقصه فى عام 2011
وتريد كوريا 60 مقاتله جيل خامس بتكلفة 5.4 مليار دولار
وكانت الأف 35 أيضآ هى المرشح الرئيسى
إلا أن تأخير البرنامج الخاص بها
يدفع كوريا الجنوبيه إلى الأف 15 سايلنت إيجل لتكون هى المقاتله الفائزه
المقاتلات العامله حاليآ
F-15K Slam Eagle 42
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x506. |
F-16C Block 32 28
F-16D Block 32 7
F-16C Block 52 90
F-16D Block 52 44
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600. |
F-4E 68
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x534. |
F-5 174طرزات متعدده
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1800x1165. |
بمجموع 453 مقاتله
بلإضافه إلى 18 مقاتله f15k تحت التسليم
طائرات النقل
ولدى القوات الجويه الكوريه 46 طائرة نقل متعددة الأنواع والأحجام
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. |
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 2592x1944. |
طائرات الأستطلاع
46 طائره مخصصه للإستطلاع بالأضافه إلى طائره أواكس بوينج 737
طائرات التدريب
124 طائره قديمه أنواع هوك البريطانيه واليوشين الروسيه
وطائره كوريه KT-1
60 طائره t50 كوريه حديثه
82 طائره t50 كوريه حديثه تحت التسليم
طائرات الهليكوبتر
48 طائره أنواع مختلفه
بيل وتشينوك وطائرات من سيكورسيكى وكاموف الروسيه