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JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jets from No. 26 Squadron 'Black Spiders' in Zhuhai Air Show 2010
Pakistan air force has sent three JF-17 Thunder fighter jets from the No. 26 Squadron 'Black Spiders' to participate in Zhuhai Air Show 2010. JF-17 Thunder is jointly developed by the Pakistan aeronautical complex and Chengdu Aircraft from China to replace the jets to replace very old aircrafts like Nanchang A-5, Chengdu F-7P / PG and Dassault Mirage III / V fighter aircraft in Pakistan air force.
Pakistan air force is looking to purchase around 250 JF-17 Thunder fighter jets to replace its old inventory. JF-17 is jointly developed and produced by Pakistan and China. Both countries are offering JF-17 Thunder to the countries which are looking to replace their old fighter jets with inexpensive modern fighter jets.
Pakistani air force plans to install the refueling probes next year on the JF-17 Thunder to allow them to refuel for the IL-78MP MRTT aircrafts. For this purpose PAF is looking at both fixed and retractable in-flight refueling probes options
At Zhuhai Air Show 2010, Pakistan Air Force has announced that it is no longer looking to acquire the western avionics and weapon systems for the second batch of the JF-17 Thunder fighter jets. Both Pakistan and china are in talks with atleast eight countries that have shown interest in purchase of these low cost, medium to advance fighter jets.
Initially, People’s Liberation Army Air Force has not committed to purchase JF-17 Thunder fighter jets as Pakistan air force needs to replace its very of fleet of fighter jets soon but officials from both Pakistan aeronautical complex and Chengdu Aircraft from China are saying that they are positive that People’s Liberation Army Air Force will order atleast 150 JF-17 Thunders at the later stages of the project.
Chinese SD-10A beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missiles were displayed together with PAF’s JF-17 Thunders at the Farnborough International Air Show 2010. At the shame show model of JF-17 Thunder were shown carrying six air-to-air missiles under its wings four of which were SD-10A BVRAAMs
JF-17 Thunder will be able to carry four SD-10A BVRAAM and two WVRAAMs (Options include Chinese PL-9 and South African fifth generation close-combat missile A-darter )to defend the friendly skies from any intruders and different kind of standoff precision guided weapons for ground attack and antiship missiles for maritime attack. JF-17 Thunders are also being integrated with the C-802A Anti-Ship missile which has a range of 180 km for maritime strike role
For ground attack role JF-17 Thunder can carry LS-6 Precision Guided Glide Bomb. It consists of a conventional 1000lb bomb and GPS/INS-based guidance and targeting system and pair of foldable wings for the extended range
This will allow the JF-17 Thunders to release the LS-6 from a standoff distance which will allow it to stay away from the surface-to-air missiles and still hit targets. LS-6 has a range of 60 km if it is dropped from an altitude of 10,000m and it can hit its intended targets with accuracy of less than 15m. LS-6 is very much similar in performance to the U.S. Joint Direct Attack Munitions.
The LeiTing-2 or LT-2 is Chinese developed laser guided bomb. It uses semi-active laser guidance system.JF-17 will also use H-4 precision guided weapon which is developed by the NESCOM. This weapon has a range of 120km and can strike the enemy targets with an accuracy of 3 meters. This weapon was used in High Mark Exercise 2010 from Mirage-III Rose-I fighter jet.
Different other light weight precision guided weapons ranging from 50kg to 150kg are under development in china to take advantage of high accuracy of these new Chinese PGMs and reduce collateral damage.In 2008 Pakistan has signed a deal 108 million dollars to purchase 100 Brazilian MAR-1 Anti-Radiation air-to-surface missiles. This missile will be used against the enemy radars. Pakistan Air Force plans to integrate MAR-1 with the JF-17 Thunder aircrafts.
أرسلت باكستان ثلاثة مقاتلات
JF-17 Thunder
من السرب 26 المسمى بالعناكب السوداء
إلى معرض
Zhuhai Air Show
الذى يقام فى الصين
وهى مقاتله تنتج بالتعاون بين باكستان والصين لتحل محل المقاتلات الصينيه القديمه والميراج الفرنسية الصنع التى تخدم فى سلاح الجو الباكستانى
وتخطط باكستان لإنتاج 250 مقاتله
وتعرضها على البلدان التى تريد شراء مقاتله منخفضة السعر لتحل محل مقاتلاتها القديمه
وباكستان تخطط بإضافة خاصية التزود بالوقود العام القادم بإستخدام طائرات
IL-78MP MRTT aircrafts
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وحل جميع المشاكل الخاصه بذلك
وخلال المعرض أعلنت باكستان أنها لم تعد تتطلع لشراء أسلحه غربيه لتسليح المقاتله وستكتفى بالتسليح الصينى
واعلنت ايضآ أنها والصين تجريان مباحثات مع ثمانية دول لشراء المقاتله
وتم عرض الصواريخ
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متوسطة المدى
التى تعمل فى سلاح الجو الباكستانى
كما عرضت فى معرض فارنبورج الدولى
والمقاتله تحمل 6 صواريخ جو جو منها أربعة صواريخ
وصاروخان صينين قصيرى المدى من النوع
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أو صاروخان من الجيل الخامس من إنتاج جنوب أفريقيا
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للدفاع الجوى وحماية المجال الجو من أى تدخلات
وتحمل المقاتله صواريخ
C-802A Anti-Ship missile

الصينيه المضاده للسفن بمدى 180كم
وللهجوم الأرضى تحمل المقاتله القنبله
LS-6 Precision Guided Glide Bomb
الموجه بدقه وتحتوى القنبله على ألف قنبله تقليديه صغيره
ومزود بنظام تهديف ونظام

وهذه القنبله ستسمح للمقاتله للبقاء بعيده عن صواريخ الدفاع الجوى المعاديه إذ يصل مداها إلى 60كم إذا ألقيت من إرتفاع 10000 متر ويمكنها إصابة اهدافها بدقه 6 إلى 15 متر
وهى مماثله للقنبله الأمريكيه الجدام
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The LeiTing-2 or LT-2
هى قنبله صينيه موجهه بالليزر وتستخدم نظام توجيه بالليزر نصف إيجابى
وستسخدم المقاتله أيضآ
H-4 precision guided weapon
من إنتاج شركة
بمدى 120كم وبدقه 3أمتار
وإستخدامتها باكستان على مقاتلات الميراج خلال تدريبات فى العام الحالى
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وهناك قائمه من القنابل دقيقة التوجيه بزنة 50كجم إلى 150كجم قيد التسليم من الصين
وتعاقدت باكستان فى عام 2008 على الصاروخ البرازيلى المضاد للرادار
MAR-1 Anti-Radiation
بعدد 100 صاروخ بتكلفة 100 مليون دولار
ومن المقرر أن تحمله المقاتله
JF-17 Thunder
المواصفات العامه للمقاتله
- Crew: 1
- Length: 14.0 m (45.9 ft)
- Wingspan: 9.45 m (including 2 wingtip missiles) (31 ft)
- Height: 4.77 m (15 ft 8 in)
- Wing area: 24.4 m² (263 ft²)
- Empty weight: 6,411 kg (14,134 lb)
- Loaded weight: 9,100 kg (20,062 lb)
- Max takeoff weight: 12,700 kg (28,000 lb)
- Powerplant: 1× Klimov RD-93 or WS-13turbofan
- Dry thrust: 49.4 kN / 51.2 kN (11,106 lbf / 11,510 lbf)
- Thrust with afterburner: 84.4 kN / 86.36 kN (18,973 lbf / 19,391 lbf)
- G-limit: +8.5 g
- Internal Fuel Capacity: 2300 kg (5,130 lb)
- Maximum speed: Mach 1.8 (1,191 knots, 2,205 km/h)
- Combat radius: 1,352 km (840 mi)
- Ferry range: 3,000 km (2,175 mi)
- Service ceiling: 16,700 m (54,790 ft)
وتحمل المقانله الرادار الصينى
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- Frequency: X-band
- Range:
- Total targets tracked: 10 in TWS (Track-While-Scan) mode
- Reliability:
- MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure): 220 hours
- MTTR (Mean Time To Recovery): 0.5 hours
- Weight: ≤120 kg
- Volume: 0.065 m3
ونظام الرؤيه الليليه
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Helmet Mounted Sights/Display (HMS/D)
ونظام بحث بالإشعه تحت الحمراء
Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST)
وبود للتشويش على الرادارت
Self-protection radar jammer pod
وستحمل المقاتله بود تهديف بالليزر
Day/night laser designator targeting pod
وتحمل بود
Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) pod