Germany receives last Taurus cruise missile
MBDA Deutschland/Saab Dynamics joint venture Taurus Systems has delivered its 600th and last Taurus KEPD 350 cruise missile to Germany's BWB procurement agency. The milestone comes within months of the delivery in August of the company's last example for export user Spain.
Integrated with the German air force's Panavia Tornado interdictor strike fleet and Spain's Boeing EF-18s, the KEPD 350 is a 1,400kg (3,090lb)-class weapon with a range of more than 500km (270nm). Equipped with a Mephisto dual penetrator warhead, it is designed to attack fixed targets, such as bunkers and command and control facilities.
Taurus Systems
The KEPD 350 has been integrated with Germany's Tornado IDS fleet
"With this system, the Luftwaffe has at its disposal one of the most modern and effective guided missiles for combating fortified targets from a safe stand-off range," says Brig Gen Hermann Muntz, assistant head of the German air force's weapon systems command. Although production deliveries have concluded, he notes: "we need to respond to continually evolving mission scenarios and consider further developments."
MBDA Deutschland says the design could potentially be modified for use as an anti-ship weapon, with enhancements to its in-flight controls also possible. But for the near term, work will focus on adding the missile to the arsenal of the Eurofighter combat aircraft for its current customers.
Further international sales are also considered a possibility. "We are optimistic that we will be able to successfully market the Taurus KEPD 350 for export," says Taurus Systems managing director Helmut Hederer
MBDA Deutschland/Saab Dynamics joint venture Taurus Systems has delivered its 600th and last Taurus KEPD 350 cruise missile to Germany's BWB procurement agency. The milestone comes within months of the delivery in August of the company's last example for export user Spain.
Integrated with the German air force's Panavia Tornado interdictor strike fleet and Spain's Boeing EF-18s, the KEPD 350 is a 1,400kg (3,090lb)-class weapon with a range of more than 500km (270nm). Equipped with a Mephisto dual penetrator warhead, it is designed to attack fixed targets, such as bunkers and command and control facilities.
The KEPD 350 has been integrated with Germany's Tornado IDS fleet
"With this system, the Luftwaffe has at its disposal one of the most modern and effective guided missiles for combating fortified targets from a safe stand-off range," says Brig Gen Hermann Muntz, assistant head of the German air force's weapon systems command. Although production deliveries have concluded, he notes: "we need to respond to continually evolving mission scenarios and consider further developments."
MBDA Deutschland says the design could potentially be modified for use as an anti-ship weapon, with enhancements to its in-flight controls also possible. But for the near term, work will focus on adding the missile to the arsenal of the Eurofighter combat aircraft for its current customers.
Further international sales are also considered a possibility. "We are optimistic that we will be able to successfully market the Taurus KEPD 350 for export," says Taurus Systems managing director Helmut Hederer
الصاروخ كروز Taurus KEPD 350 cruise missile هو من إنتاج شركةالألمانيه MBDA Deutschlandوالشركة السويديه Saab Dynamicsبجانب سلاح الجو الألمانى الصاروخ يعمل على مقاتلات f18 فى سلاح الجو الأسبانى
والصاروخ تحمله مقاتلات التورنيدو فى سلاح الجو الألمانى
والصاروخ نسخه محسنة طويلة المدى
و وزنه 1400كجم
ويصل مداه إلى اكثر من 500كم
والرأس الحربى عباره عن عدة رؤس متعدده
و هو مخصص لضرب الملاجىء ومراكز القياده والسيطره
والأهداف المحصنه
وبهذا النظام الصاروخى تصبح القوات الجويه الالمانيه من اكثر أسلحة الجو حداثه فى العالم التى تحمل صواريخ كروز موجهه شديدة الدقه على الطائرات
ويقول العميد هيرمان مونتز ، مساعد رئيس القوات الجوية الألمانية
نحن فى حاجه لمثل هذه المنظومات للرد على سيناريو محتمل فى المستقبل
ونقول الشركه الالمانيه ان الصاروخ يمكن تعديله ليكون مضاد للسفن
لكنها تركز الأن لإضافة الصاروخ إلى مقاتلات التايفون
لخدمة عملائها الحاليين
و تعمل الشركه لفتح أسواق دوليه للتصدير
معلومات إضافيه عن الصاروخ
KEPD 350 Cruise Missile

The Taurus KEPD 350 (Kinetic Energy Penetration Destroyer) weapon system is a cruise missile type weapon developed for the German Air Force Tornado IDS strike fighters; It can also be adapted for F/A-18, Grippen and Eurofighter Typhoon. KEPD-350 has a range beyond 100 km and is equipped with the Mephisto tandem penetration warhead which can effectively engage stationary fortified targets such as underground bunkers and shelters. Fusion of sensor data from three sensors provides reliable autonomous navigation. The sensors package include IBN (Image Based Navigation), TRN (Terrain Reference Navigation) and MIL-GPS (Global Positioning System) subsystems. The use of such fusion enables the Taurus KEPD 350 to navigate over long distances without GPS support. The planning and preparation of flight path and terminal targeting are supported by the mission planning system, and loaded into the weapon by the Ground Loader Unit.
Taurus KEPD 350 has had an extremely short development time, which began in 1998 and has resulted in a precision stand-off weapon system with unique capabilities. The missile completed final testing in March 2004 and first production missiles from the 600 units procured for the German Air Force are scheduled for delivery by November 2004. The first missiles will be fielded with the the Tornado strike fighters, further production lots will be available for Eurofighter.Taurus KEPD 350 officially entered the German Air Force service with the 33rd Strike Wing (flying Tornado IDS from Cochem air force base) on 21 December 2005, following an operational test and validation program. By 2005 year's end, the 66th missile (out of a planned delivery of 600) was supplied. Spain has become the second country to order the Taurus.

مدى الصاروخ
أكثر من 500كم
500 كجم
الصاروخ له ميزه رائعه
وهى انه لا يعتمد على خاصية gps
بل له نظام ملاحى خاص به يتم برامجته قبل الإطلاق
الدول التى حصلت على الصاروخ
البلد المصنعه عدد 600 صاروخ
عدد 66 صاروخ
المقاتلات التى يمكنها حمل الصاروخ
تكلفة الصاروخ
الواحد مليون دولار

والصاروخ تحمله مقاتلات التورنيدو فى سلاح الجو الألمانى
والصاروخ نسخه محسنة طويلة المدى
و وزنه 1400كجم
ويصل مداه إلى اكثر من 500كم
والرأس الحربى عباره عن عدة رؤس متعدده
و هو مخصص لضرب الملاجىء ومراكز القياده والسيطره
والأهداف المحصنه
وبهذا النظام الصاروخى تصبح القوات الجويه الالمانيه من اكثر أسلحة الجو حداثه فى العالم التى تحمل صواريخ كروز موجهه شديدة الدقه على الطائرات
ويقول العميد هيرمان مونتز ، مساعد رئيس القوات الجوية الألمانية
نحن فى حاجه لمثل هذه المنظومات للرد على سيناريو محتمل فى المستقبل
ونقول الشركه الالمانيه ان الصاروخ يمكن تعديله ليكون مضاد للسفن
لكنها تركز الأن لإضافة الصاروخ إلى مقاتلات التايفون
لخدمة عملائها الحاليين
و تعمل الشركه لفتح أسواق دوليه للتصدير
معلومات إضافيه عن الصاروخ
KEPD 350 Cruise Missile
The Taurus KEPD 350 (Kinetic Energy Penetration Destroyer) weapon system is a cruise missile type weapon developed for the German Air Force Tornado IDS strike fighters; It can also be adapted for F/A-18, Grippen and Eurofighter Typhoon. KEPD-350 has a range beyond 100 km and is equipped with the Mephisto tandem penetration warhead which can effectively engage stationary fortified targets such as underground bunkers and shelters. Fusion of sensor data from three sensors provides reliable autonomous navigation. The sensors package include IBN (Image Based Navigation), TRN (Terrain Reference Navigation) and MIL-GPS (Global Positioning System) subsystems. The use of such fusion enables the Taurus KEPD 350 to navigate over long distances without GPS support. The planning and preparation of flight path and terminal targeting are supported by the mission planning system, and loaded into the weapon by the Ground Loader Unit.
Taurus KEPD 350 has had an extremely short development time, which began in 1998 and has resulted in a precision stand-off weapon system with unique capabilities. The missile completed final testing in March 2004 and first production missiles from the 600 units procured for the German Air Force are scheduled for delivery by November 2004. The first missiles will be fielded with the the Tornado strike fighters, further production lots will be available for Eurofighter.Taurus KEPD 350 officially entered the German Air Force service with the 33rd Strike Wing (flying Tornado IDS from Cochem air force base) on 21 December 2005, following an operational test and validation program. By 2005 year's end, the 66th missile (out of a planned delivery of 600) was supplied. Spain has become the second country to order the Taurus.
مدى الصاروخ
أكثر من 500كم
500 كجم
الصاروخ له ميزه رائعه
وهى انه لا يعتمد على خاصية gps
بل له نظام ملاحى خاص به يتم برامجته قبل الإطلاق
الدول التى حصلت على الصاروخ
البلد المصنعه عدد 600 صاروخ
عدد 66 صاروخ
المقاتلات التى يمكنها حمل الصاروخ
تكلفة الصاروخ
الواحد مليون دولار
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600. |