عندما يوجد موضوع عن صاروخ AMRAAM
نجد دائمآ حديث عن نظام SLAMRAAM
وهل هو موجود فى مصر أو غير موجود
فهناك من ينفى ومن يثبت
فأحببت انا أعمل بحث عن هذا الموضوع
بالمصادر وبعيدآ عن الويكبيديا
بعد البحث فى كامل المصادر
وجدت هذا الملف
وهو ملف pdf يتحدث عن نظام التحكم والسيطره الخاص بالدفاع
الجوى المصرى
Forward Area Air Defense Command
Control FAAD C2&
الذى قامت به شركة Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
(NGMS) لصالح قوات الدفاع الجوى المصرى
وجدت من ضمن الأنظمه المدمجه SLAMRAAM
وإليكم المصدر
صور الملف من جهازى
اللينك الخاص بالملف للتحميل
ما هو نظام SLAMRAAM
Surface Launched (SL)AMRAAM
Complementary Low Altitude Weapon System (CLAWS)
Raytheon Kongsberg (International)
SLAMRAAM can also integrate with other assets, such as Hawk, Patriot or sea based Aegis units, to provide an effective protection against all types of delivery means, from ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, asymmetric aerial threats and unmanned aerial vehicles. The system utilizes distributed architecture, for improved survivability and support of multiple, simultaneous engagements, the Surface Launched – (SL) AMRAAM provides close range as well as Beyond Visual Range intercept capability under all weather conditions, day and night. AMRAAM can effectively engage cluster targets, and employs an all aspect look-down seeker to overcome difficult topography. In 2004, contracts were awarded to Raytheon to supply SLAMRAAMs to the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. The system configuration uses common elements, comprising of the missile launcher, mounted on a Hummer; a new Integrated Fire Control Station (IFCS) which will be netted to the Sentinel radar; the Army’s future Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor system (JELNS) and the Marine Corps’ future Multi-Role Radar System. The new missiles will increases the number of firing channels per battery, and introduce an effective defense against cruise missile threat. A typical "Family of Systems" architecture was recently tested during the system's development testing phase, engaging surrogate cruise missile targets. The system included the TPS-59 radar and AN/TYQ-23 Tactical Air Operations Module, which provide the large volume air picture. Close air picture and tracking data were provided by the Thales Raytheon Systems MPQ-64 Sentinel Radar. Command and control, with air picture and track correlation, was performed by the Marine Air Defense Communications Platform updated with the Raytheon Solipsys Multi-Source Correlator Tracker and Tactical Display Framework. The CLAWS launcher provides Fire control and facilitates the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile launch. In a test conducted Nov. 22, 2005 the CLAWS system successfully engaged six targets. According to a Raytheon press release, the system achieved all test objectives during the three days of firing. The test marked the completion development testing, paving the way for the system's fielding phase. In October 2006 Raytheon announced the completion the development of software upgrades for the ground launched AMRAAM missile system, demonstrated the system in test firing conducted in partnership with the Spanish Army and the U.S. Air Force. Among the new capabilities added to the system are command destruct/self destruct (CD/SD) capabilities, improving the missile's capability of intercepting cruise missiles and other unmanned targets, over urban terrain. The CD/SD capability provides greater flexibility in the employment of Surface Launched AMRAAM (SL-AMRAAM) while engaging cruise missile and unmanned aerial vehicle threats. The capability helps mitigate collateral damage when used in a surface launch role within an urban environment. Additionally, CD/SD software provides the capability of a programmable self-destruct to help reduce fratricide. These successful tests concluded more than 24 months of work on the Software Upgrade Program 2006 for AMRAAM. Since May 2006 Raytheon demonstrated the missile's accuracy with seven direct hits, during tests conducted with the Norwegian Air Force. A more recent test, in association with the Spanish Army and US Air Force, was conducted in Sweden in October, where three missiles scored direct and instrumented hits, demonstrating the new command destruct/self destruct capability (CD/SD). The US Army is evaluating further roles for the SLAMRAAM, including the use of an AMRAAM derivative for missile defense. The Multi-service Extended Range Low-cost Interceptor (MERLIN), could use a dual-stage boosted missile designed to intercept and destroy unsophisticated cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Used as a low-cost, shorter range complement to the AMRAAM missiles, which will be saved for more difficult targets. Other missiles to be evaluated for this role include the single-stage Low Cost Interceptor (LCI), which is being developed as a low-cost complement to the Patriot missile. On May 26, 2006 Raytheon and Boeing announced the first delivery of an Integrated Fire Control Station (IFCS) for the U.S. Army. Boeing is under contract through 2007 to design and develop the system's IFCS. The IFCS is the first of five to be designed and developed by subcontractor Boeing. The program will now move to integration at Raytheon's, to be followed by flight testing of the integrated system. In addition to its primary mission as control center for teh SLAMRAAM, the IFCS can be networked to the U.S. Army's Sentinel radar, the Army's future Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor system under development by Raytheon, the existing Patriot radar and the Marine Corps' future multi-role Ground/Air Task Oriented radar system to provide truly integrated fire control for the air defense battlespace. http://defense-update.com/products/s/slamraam.htm |
النظام الصاروخى أرض- جو SLAMRAAM هو
أحد الانظمة الصاروخية الحديثة للارتفاعات المنخفضة والذي قامت شركة رايتون
الأمريكية بالتعاون مع شركة KONIGSBERG النرويجية وشركة البوينج بصناعته ويستخدم
هذا النظام الصاروخي الصاروخ جو- جو AMRAAM وهذه الكلمة هى اختصار للعبارة Advanced
Medium Rang Air To Air Missile والذى يستخدم فى عدة أنواع من الطائرات مثل
F-15,F-16,F\A18,F-22,F-4F,SEA HARRIER , اليورفايتر JAS- 39 TORNADO وهو صاروخ
حديث جدا يستخدم أسلوب Fire And Forget أي أن الصاروخ لا يحتاج الى توجيه بعد عملية
الإطلاق . وتحتوى الوحدة الصاروخية لهذا النظام على رادار بحث ومركز توزيع نيران
وقواذف صاروخية وفى شهر أبريل 2001 قامت قيادة مشاة البحرية الامريكية بالتعاقد مع
شركة رايتون من أجل صناعة نظام صاروخى أرض- جو متكامل للارتفاعات المنخفظة وبحلول
شهر فبراير 2004 قامت قيادة الجيش الامريكى بمنح نفس الشركة عقدا لتطوير هذا النظام
والذى أطلق عليه SLAMRAAM وهى اختصار للعبارة الانجليزية Surface Launched Advanced
Medium Rang Air To Air Missile والتى تعنى الصاروخ المتقدم جو- جو المتوسط المدى
والذى يتم اطلاقه من الارض ويقوم مكتب مشترك بين قيادة مشاة البحرية الأمريكية
والجيش بالإشراف على برنامج هذا النظام فى قاعدة Eglin الجوية فى ولاية فلوريدا وقد
أجريت تجارب عدة على هذا النظام من قبل مشاة البحرية وأثبت النظام نجاح كامل فى كل
التجارب التى اجريت عليه ولمدى يصل الى 15كم تحتوى الوحدة الصاروخية على مركز ادارة
النيران وعدد ستة قواذف وركب كل قاذف على عربة نوع HMMWV تحتوى على وحدة تحكم عن
بعد مزودة بوسيلة اتصال صوتية ووسيلة ارسال معلومات بطريقة آلية ويتم وضع القواذف
في وضعية الضم او الاغلاق أثناء المسير بعدها يتم فتحها عند الوصول الى المكان
المقصود ويتم وضعها فى وضعية العمل القتالى ثم يقوم الطاقم بإخلاء العربة والبقاء
على مسافة 50 متراً حيت يتم التحكم عن بعد فى القاذف وإجراء اي تعديلات على زاوية
ارتفاع القاذف وإجراء عملية ادارة النيران .
رادار البحت والمراقبة
هذا النظام على رادار بحث ومراقبة دوبلري من نوع AN\MPQ- 64 وهو من صنع شركة رايتون
حيت يقوم بتأمين كشف رادارى للأهداف وتمييزها وتتبعها ويستخدم الموجة X وتبلغ عدد
لفات الهوائى 30 لفة فى الدقيقة أما مسافة الكشف فتبلغ 75 كم
مركز إدارة النيران بالنظام
مركز ادارة النيران بهذا النظام على عربة تمتاز بالمرونة وهى من نوع AM-General 4*4
HMMWV يقوم هذا المركز بالأعمال التكتيكية من حيت المعلومات عن الهدف وتمييزه
وأولوية التعامل مع الأهداف وتقيم نتائج الاشتباك مع الأهداف .
الصاروخ AIM-120
- 3,65 متر
قطر الصاروخ - 178 مم
الوزن - 161,5كجم
مدى الكشف الراداري -
75 كم
مدى الصاروخ - 33 كم
مصدر أخر مقاله منذ شهرين تتحدث عن اخر تجربه للنظام
وان الجيش الأمريكى لم يعتمده بعد مع أنه موجود فى دول أخرى
هى النرويج ومصر والإمارات العربيه المتحده
September 18, 2010: The U.S. Army has successfully tested its SLAMRAAM antiaircraft missiles being fired from a modified HIMARS rocket launcher vehicle. HIMARS is a five ton military (FMTV) truck with a six cell container for MLRS (multiple launch rocket system) rockets on the back. The container can be raised to fire the rockets. The SLAMRAAM missile (180mm in diameter 152 kg/335 pounds) is smaller than the MLRS rocket (227mm and 306 kg/675 pounds), so there's no problem with the six SLAMRAAM missiles fitting into the same space. Until now, the SLAMRAAM were launched from the back of a smaller hummer vehicle (that carried 4-6). The HIMARS launcher could carry at least eight missiles. The FMTV/HIMARS is also more rugged, armored and reliable than the hummer launcher. However, although the U.S. has developed SLAMRAAM, the U.S. Army has not yet agreed to use it, although several foreign countries (Norway, Egypt, UAE) havehttp://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htada/20100918.aspx
طراز صاروخ AMRAAM المستخدم فى النظام
نجده فى هذا الموضوع من وزارة الدفاع الأمريكيه
الذى يتحدث عن مبيعات عسكريه لدول الشرق الأوسط
نجد به إن الإمارات ستشترى 288 صاروخ AIM-120C-7 للنظام SL-AMRAAM
بمبلغ 445 مليون دولار
The UAE’s 288 AIM-120C-7 SL-AMRAAMs will cost $445 million
DSCA Announces Billions In Military Sales
Sep 11, 2008
وهنا أيضآ من موقع globalsecurity فى حديثه عن النظام
يقول ان الصاروخ المستخدم من طراز AIM-120C-7
SLAMRAAM [Surfaced-Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile]
The Surfaced-Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM) is the Army’s future shortrange air defense weapon. The SLAMRAAM program is intended to eventually replace all the Army’s shortrange air defense weapon systems that employ the Stinger missile. The SLAMRAAM system intends to give the Army the capability to engage targets (including cruise missiles and helicopters) to beyond line-of-sight and at greater ranges than the Stinger-based systems. SLAMRAAM is also intended to defend against the evolving air threat from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and cruise missiles.The SLAMRAAM fire unit consists of four to six ready-to-fire AIM-120C-7 AMRAAMs mounted on an Army High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). The SLAMRAAM system also consists of a Battle Management Command, Control, Computers, Communications, and Intelligence (BMC4I) system. The BMC4I system will include the sensors, command posts, and communications systems necessary to pass targeting data to the SLAMRAAM fire units. The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is also developing a surfaced-launched AMRAAM system called the Complementary Low-Altitude Weapon System (CLAWS). The USMC CLAWS program is also an HMMWV-based fire unit capable of launching AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles. The operational requirements for the Army’s SLAMRAAM and USMC’s CLAWS programs are very similar, but not identical.
The SLAMRAAM program plans to select the system contractor in FY04. The program will then enter the system development and demonstration phase.
According to DOT&E, two issues are critical to an adequate assessment of the operational effectiveness and suitability of the SLAMRAAM program. The first issue is the ability of the AIM-120C AMRAAM missile to perform against the targets of interest to the Army, namely, UAVs, cruise missiles, and helicopters. Firings against these types of targets have not been done throughout the long history of the AMRAAM test program conducted by the Air Force and Navy.
Second, the integration of the BMC4I is critical to the success of SLAMRAAM. The SLAMRAAM system, unlike the Stinger-based weapons, cannot autonomously engage targets. The SLAMRAAM fire unit must receive targeting data from the BMC4I system, including targeting data acquired from sensors operated by other Services. The BMC4I system must also provide target identification of friendly aircraft. This becomes critical since SLAMRAAM provides a beyond line-of-sight engagement capability that cannot rely on visual identification means to distinguish friendly aircraft from enemy threats. The BMC4I system must also be mobile enough to keep up with rapidly advancing maneuver forces
هذا النص يشرح لماذا أن مدى المنظومه الأرضيه 33كم فقط
مع ان الصاروخ المستخدم هو AIM-120C-7 ذو المدى المتوسط
لأن الإطلاق يكون من الأرض
وهذا يختلف عن إطلاق صاروخ من طائره تحلق بسرعه فوق صوتيه
وعلى إرتفاع عالى فسرعة الطائره العاليه فى الأساس
تعطى سرعه ومدى كبير للمقذوف
هناك قنابل موجهه يصل مداها إلى 120كم
فكيف تصل إلى هذا المدى ومن المعلوم ان القنبله
ليس لها محرك نفاث
إنما تكسب سرعتها من السرعه العاليه للطائره ومستوى إرتفاعها
وهذا ما يجعل الصاروخ المقذوف عن طريق الأرض بمدى أقل
عن الصاروخ المقذوف من طائره
The Surface Launched AMRAAM is an surface-to-air missile intended for several air defense systems such as the HUMRAAM, CLAWS, NASAMS and HAWK XXI. Overall performance and appearance are exactly the same of AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles excepting its maximum range that has been cut to 20-mile (33 km) due to the surface launch mode
والسؤال المهم الأن هل تستطيع مصر تركيب الصواريخ الخاصه بالنظام
على الأف16
أنا لا أعلم مواصفات رادار الأف16 المصريه
ولكن الأستاذ الإيمان قال فى مشاركه سابقه له
أن الأف16 المصريه تستطيع إطلاق جميع الصواريخ
جو جو الأمريكيه
وحت لوكانت لا تستطيع البلوك42 إطلاق الإمرام
فأكيد البلوك52 القادمه تستطيع ذلك