Brimstone missiles destroy armoured vehicles in Libya
It has been announced that RAF Tornado aircraft have destroyed three armoured vehicles in Misrata, and three further vehicles in Ajdabiya, following a missile strike.
The Chief of Defence Staff's Strategic Communication Officer Major General John Lorimer said:
"British Tornado GR4 Aircraft, on a mission over Libya yesterday afternoon in support of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 took part in a co-ordinated missile strike against units of Colonel Gaddafi's Libyan Military.
"The Tornado aircraft launched a number of guided Brimstone missiles, destroying three armoured vehicles in Misrata and two further armoured vehicles in Ajdabiya. Brimstone is a high precision, low collateral damage weapon optimised against demanding and mobile targets.
"Britain and her International partners remain engaged in Operations to support United Nations Security Resolution 1973, to enforce the established No Fly Zone and are contributing to the NATO arms embargo of Libya
أعلن سلاح الجوى البريطانى
أن المقاتله البريطانيه Tornado GR4 هى التى تدمر مدرعات القذافى بواسطة الصاروخ Brimstone
فى مصراته وأجدابيا
و هو صاروخ ذو دقه عاليه يستخدم فى تدمير الأليات المدرعه
وذلك لتقليل الخسائر فى الأراوح
ويأتى ذلك فى ظل العمليه التى يقوم بها حلف الناتو فى ليبيا
معلومات عن الصاروخ
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- Length: 1.8 m
- Diameter: 17.8 cm
- Weight: 48.5 kg
- Range: 20+ km
- Speed: Supersonic
- Control: Aerodynamic surfaces on missile
- Propulsion: Solid-rocket
- Guidance: 94 GHz Millimetric wave radar (MMW) & digital autopilot
- Warhead: HEAT tandem warhead - initial charge triggers reactive armour followed by the main high explosive anti-tank shaped charge jet
- Fuze: Crush fuze (detonation on impact)
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فيديو Tornado GR4 وهى تدمر مدرعات للقذافى